Skookum BR55 Heavy Barrel

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A bit of a long time without an update. I've been working on other projects and finally have this one moving forward again.

I also think it is time to reveal my paint scheme:

I've chosen to paint the BR following the Halo 3 Skin "The Great Journey"

I did a bunch of paint tests to get the effect that I am looking for and I am happy to say it is turning out great!


Here is where the BR currently stands:
This is looking so cool. We need a video when it's all done.
Took the masking off tonight and I am loving how this is looking. The next step is going to be a high gloss clear coat.


It is hard to tell here but the triangles are black and the other dark parts are gunmetal.
Whelp - I had a bit of an accident today and to be honest I am gutted and think this project will be put on the back burner for a bit.

I had the BR on my workbench waiting to get clear coated when it fell off and hit the concrete floor in my garage.

The damage isn't crazy, bit given my paint job it would mean starting the paint over again.


I might end up reprinting the main body of this on my XL to reduce the seam lines and to also hopefully make it better. At least all of the little pieces are fully painted and ready to be used when the time comes.

I might also try to see if I can add in some metal or something inside of these pieces

That join at the top is really hard to do and make it strong enough to hold up to even a little bump.

For anyone that is interested in how I did the paint on this, here are the paints that I used:

The Turbo dork is thinned 50/50 with airbrush thinner and applied over a matte black base coat. Once that is down and fully covered I did a dusting over the top with the Darth Blue (only thinned a tiny bit) to get the blue shift on top of the purple.
I can't get this project out of my mind so I decided I am going to keep working on it.

Thanks to TurboCharizard I was able to add some slots for metal rods into some of the pieces of the BR main body. I am going to work on getting these reprinted and assembled.

I am going to see how much I can salvage from the first time around.

I got the metal rods added to the model and have all of the main pieces printed again. I love having a larger printer now to be able to do this whole prop in larger chunks.


There are now 4 2mm Metal rods in the upper part to help align and strengthen

There are also 2 2mm metal rods in the back section

I also got the old version fully disassembled to salvage some of the pieces. It was painful to do, but more lessons learned for future projects.

Updates are going to be a bit slow for a while given the weather is not conducive to painting and such here in winter. However I realized that I never did get to show off some of the pieces that got gloss clear coat before the weather got bad.


The picture doesn't do it proper justice, but man do I love these paint colors. (note the scope is not clear coated)
I hate to see that you had to start over, but it's back to looking fantastic. That purple is slick and the clear just makes it pop so much more. I can't wait to see it totally finished. You're doing great work
That purple looks incredible, makes me think back to when I first played halo seeing the Phantoms and Ghosts. Are you going with the same colour scheme for the new print?
That purple looks incredible, makes me think back to when I first played halo seeing the Phantoms and Ghosts. Are you going with the same colour scheme for the new print?
Yeah I plan to stick with that paint scheme. It looks so good in person.
This looks phenomenal! Where are you going to hide the battery pack? Also will the mags be able to come out? I just love seeing these props put together
This looks phenomenal! Where are you going to hide the battery pack? Also will the mags be able to come out? I just love seeing these props put together
The magazine is removable - and that is also where the battery pack will be hiding.
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