Stupid Spiders - Pic of one I found in my house

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darkesword2020 said:
Lets start posting ideas for killing these alien things lol!

So far we have:
Tag and a lighter : Flame to death.
Squish em.
Hit it with a hammer!
Cherry bomb
Paintball gun
Run over it with an rc car
Dagger tied to a stick
Electric shock
Drown it
A weird one - Throw pastries (donuts, cakes, brownies) at it, like a custard donut.
Throw glass bottles
Cover it in plaster
Smash it with an old guitar that you were gonna get rid of
Pour syrup on it or bbq sauce (it cant move and possibly die in it)
Carry a shuriken?
Pour hydrocloric acid on it.
Get a mouthfull of kerosine oil and a zippo or lighter and blow the son of a b*^ch to h*ll lol

(Lets keep going. Think of creative ways to kill these things)

super glue works to it gets stuck and then it hardens
stick it in a microwave (watch it explode)

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I've been bitten several times by Hobo spiders. (4/5 times) Doesn’t hurt much when they bite but by the third day it swells up to the size of my fist and hurts when I move it. Still I ran 2 miles in PE with a bite on my leg. (I hate my PE teacher)
I've been bitten by spiders on my knee that it basically burned a clean hole thought the skin. no bigger then 3mm diameter.
here's another spider. Someone Identify:

Adam said:
here's another spider. Someone Identify:

Where the hell do you live? It's a spider bonanza or something. It doesn't look dangerous, just watch out for dark places.
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adreniline said:
Adam said:
here's another spider. Someone Identify:

Where the hell do you live? It's a spider bonanza or something. It doesn't look dangerous, just watch out for dark places.

Well texas does has an interesting variety of spiders, i guess snakes.
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Adam said:
here's another spider. Someone Identify:


That looks like a wolf spider, kinda, or a tarantula.

Usually, the larger the spider is the less lethal its venom is for humans.
I think.

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Looks like a wolf spider to me... but I don't know spiders as well as I know insects.

LOL, I used to be a museum nerd...
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