Super Hd Halo Wars Mk Iv Armor

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link4044 said:
no problem, just getting alittle excited to start this armor thats all

Just sent you an e-mail with all the current files converted to pep 2 - do what I can when I can. Didn't know which one was current so I sent it to both eastcoastproppers and evilmonkey addy's.


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Ok here it is...finally after weeks of tweaking this thing to make it perfect it is finished. I pity anyone who builds this because it is going to suck your life away. I think this is literally the most detailed piece of armor ever released here whether that be good or bad. Due to it being so detailed I strongly suggest you build my tester model first and see if it fits correctly before you build this. I think SoullessSin unfolded it. I will have to find the link and post that and this on the 1st post along with on the wiki.

Anyways I know you are tired of me talking so here it is....enjoy.

Oh yeah anyone that makes it try to post pictures and or make a topic because I love seeing how these things come out. ;)


If you need the file in Pepakura Designer 2 format here is a link to the converted file.
Oh my days, 71 pages of godness!.

I turned edge Id on and my pc fell over, lol.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Will be starting in on this tommorrow and will post a wip in the noob forum.


Will that Scaling number posted earlier when I asked still be okay to use?.
Rebostar said:
Oh my days, 71 pages of godness!.

I turned edge Id on and my pc fell over, lol.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Will be starting in on this tommorrow and will post a wip in the noob forum.


Will that Scaling number posted earlier when I asked still be okay to use?.

Should be, but like I said make sure you try the tester first.
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I think I am going to wait till tomorrow to start again on the modeling so right now I think I'll go play some Halo 3 custom games. Anyone want to join me? Just thought I'd ask cause I've never played anyone here.


I'm getting on so if anyone wants to play just send a friend request to agbates exactly like it is here.
Rebostar said:
I'm looking at the unfold and confused by pages 55 and 59, can someone explain?

Just look at what it says on the object list. Some parts can be swapped out with other parts depending on how much detail you want to add and the indent templates are meant to be put over the finished model to trace where any indented lines need to be sculpted. That is optional though depending on how accurate you want it.
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Man Ag...this thing is a beast! I know what Im doing this weekend! hahahaha...and true to my word..ill be trying this without any numbers!! gotta finish the tester first to make sure size is right then Im firing up my printer and trucking through this build!! I cant freaking wait to get started on it!!

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Well after removing the low def and things i did not need i just printed out my 55 pages for the chest peice it took almost an hour iwth my crappy computer, i will post progress pics as i go. And again thanks Agbates for the great work
Just spent the last 3 hours cutting out the details for the back plate....just to look at the screen and realize the build i printed off was 100 mm to big.. -__-; I not going to lie. But holy cow know how to build them. The intricate folds on this thing are crazy. I compare them to bevbors sniper build!.

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Great job on the unfold ag!!!! For any of the newer members building this, take your time!!!! It is a very detailed build, and takes a lot of patience.
This thing is fantastic!! Intimidating as all get out, but I am looking forward to starting on the pep! I love the idea of the overlay for the details, it will make referencing a breeze, especially since it is already scaled &etc. Props for that in and of itself! Can't say enough good things Agbates! A million thumbs up and pats on the back. I can hardly wait to see what comes next!!
Brandon McClain said:
This thing is fantastic!! Intimidating as all get out, but I am looking forward to starting on the pep! I love the idea of the overlay for the details, it will make referencing a breeze, especially since it is already scaled &etc. Props for that in and of itself! Can't say enough good things Agbates! A million thumbs up and pats on the back. I can hardly wait to see what comes next!!

As a matter of fact I thought I would finally post what I had decided to do next. I have decided to model the cod piece (crotch) now and it is coming along great. I don't think it'll take more than a few days to make. I'll post progress pics here in a little while after I get a little farther. I know most of you guys are wanting the helmet but overall I think it is for the best. I want to have the helmet perfect since it is the most important part and if I model the whole suit first I think I will have a good reason to do my best. Also I think it will do you guys better because it seems that every time someone builds a helmet first they are a lot less likely to build the whole suit.
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Couldn't agree more with the decision to do the helmet last, well you wouldn't put the cherry on top before you've baked the cake would you.

On the subject of the helmet are you making the flatter styled one, it gets my vote anyway.
Glad to hear you are on to the codpeice. I like the HW MarkIV cod better than the MKVI. Has anyone considered mixing and matching armor gens? I like the MKIV cod and shins more than MkVI, but prefer the rest of the MKVI in general. And I agree about doing the helmet last. Building my MKVI, and am leaving the helm for last. It just seems to make the other peices more important as you work on them, knowing that you having something sweet waiting for you at the finish line. Love the build. Once again, mad props to you sir!!!!
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