Adam's PM box is full, so here is an update for you.
The movie is done.
I moved all the pics around to tell a story that I saw within the pictures. The concept it two soldiers, M.C. and a Marine, are making their way to an LZ only to be ambushed. After a fierce battle, an explosion leaves the Marine thinking he is the only one that has survived. After a sorrowful moment, he rejoined by his friend and a new attempt it made for their extraction. When the enemy re-engages them, the price for war is paid for one soldier. But the fight must continue.
It is being compressed for the web. The finished video was 1.5 gigs, so I need to get it down to 500 megs for VIMEO. Once it is on there it will be a private link and I will let you check it out. When I get your thumbs up it will go public.
Thanks for this, I think you will like it.