Hollis DZC
Jr Member
spartan114 said:ok...let me begin.....(takes deep breath)
stormtrooper armour is NOT plastic...its durasteel....it DOESNT repel laser blasts...its just the most resiliant armour that he empire can afford to outfit basic infantry with
the clones dont just DIE at the end of the clone wars
they are slowly dying from the aging process used to grow them quickly...so they are slowly replaced by recruits and press ganged soldiers...but there is still a HUGE number of active clones by ANH...the kaminoan's didnt just STOP growing clones straight away!!! they had a HUGE number of clones that hadnt reached maturity by the clone wars...they eventually join the empire ranks also
and a rnak and file stormie wouldnt stand a chance against master cheif...keep in mind during ANH they couldnt kill a teenager and a princess wearing civvie clothing with absolutly NO cover...they cannot shoot to save their lives...MC would tearthem appart! END OF!!!
And also why later edition Clones can't shoot straight. The later Clones were copies of copies of copies of copies, like a xerox that's been copied too many times. It's not as good as straight from Jango.
Also, a big reason was that the Empire allowed various Senators to be cloned as "perks", so instead of one of the baddest fighters in the universe, you got a scum suckin' dirtbag...
Yeah, I'm a Star Wars Geek and proud of it!
I've a suit of 41st Elite Clonetrooper, Hyperfirm weapontry, it rocks! PA Republic Commando armor in the box, waiting it's turn...
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