Top 10 Reasons Spartans are better than Stormtroopers

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spartan114 said:
ok...let me begin.....(takes deep breath)

stormtrooper armour is NOT plastic...its DOESNT repel laser blasts...its just the most resiliant armour that he empire can afford to outfit basic infantry with

the clones dont just DIE at the end of the clone wars

they are slowly dying from the aging process used to grow them they are slowly replaced by recruits and press ganged soldiers...but there is still a HUGE number of active clones by ANH...the kaminoan's didnt just STOP growing clones straight away!!! they had a HUGE number of clones that hadnt reached maturity by the clone wars...they eventually join the empire ranks also
and a rnak and file stormie wouldnt stand a chance against master cheif...keep in mind during ANH they couldnt kill a teenager and a princess wearing civvie clothing with absolutly NO cover...they cannot shoot to save their lives...MC would tearthem appart! END OF!!!

And also why later edition Clones can't shoot straight. The later Clones were copies of copies of copies of copies, like a xerox that's been copied too many times. It's not as good as straight from Jango.

Also, a big reason was that the Empire allowed various Senators to be cloned as "perks", so instead of one of the baddest fighters in the universe, you got a scum suckin' dirtbag...

Yeah, I'm a Star Wars Geek and proud of it! :D

I've a suit of 41st Elite Clonetrooper, Hyperfirm weapontry, it rocks! PA Republic Commando armor in the box, waiting it's turn...
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Reason why stormtoopers Suck- They are bad guys. No one would watch an entire movie about a farm boy learning about his heritage to see him gunned down while saving the princess.

Reason why Spartans Don't Suck- They are good guys. No one would play an entire video game to see the character they play as get killed while attempting to save the universe.

This pretty much covers it.

Just so no one gets the wrong idea...Sith Happens!!!
Then again, let us not forget THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK

I believe the best of all 6

If the Hoth Attack force went up against the spartans who would win?

Half a dozen At-Ats, a few thousand STs, and Darth Vader...
Gravemind said:
Then again, let us not forget THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK

I believe the best of all 6

If the Hoth Attack force went up against the spartans who would win?

Half a dozen At-Ats, a few thousand STs, and Darth Vader...
the chief never dies :cool:
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master chief has a fusion powered exoskeletal combat suit with regenerative shielding, strength and physical performance enhancement, state of the art computers built in, various state of the art equipment and gadgets built into the suit, a built in AI unit that is incredibly advanced, built in internal climate regulation allowing for combat under any climate conditions (including space) he is geneticaly and cybernetically enhanced, his skills are honed to a perfect level, he has perfect calmness during combat, he has incredible tactical abilities, amazing reflexes, incredible strength, speed, agility, capable of using any and all weapons with perfect mastery....

Need I go on?

Storm trooper: armor made to be affordable in order to cover the needs of an entire ARMY, built in devices into helmet with limited functions, armor has no energy shielding properties, armor gives no ability enhancement, making it decrease performance while gaining defence capability which is not to the same degree as master chiefs armor, average "cannon fodder" training, some bit of weapon using ability with one or several weapons, no mastery over any weapon, no amazing performance, regular human being, no cybernetic and genetic enhancements, calmness during combat and stress situations not nearly as honed as the chief, tactical skills very limited....I'm sure I missed something

This entire thread, while fun, is not fair in that master chief is a one man super soldier with billions, maybe trillions and more put into the project, he is the result of all the latest and most cutting edge tech available to human kind, has all sorts of enhancements.

Storm troopers are "cannon fodder" dispencable army used as main fighting force, with equipment on an affordable budget.

Want to compare star wars to halo? Compare a jedi to the chief, even to an ordinary spartan, jango would not win against any spartan because his armor isnt as advanced, and he has nowhere near the same level of genetic and cybernetic enhancement, if any at all.

No offence to anyone but these are the facts, troopers do look cool, and I see why you would dress up as them, but as far as functionality goes, those are the facts for ya.

I do like star wars and halo, but troopers are not the main characters, while the chief in his genre, is, therefore, you can already see why troopers were made with less abilities while the chief was made as a buffed uber terminator x10
It takes SKILL to make accurate Master Chief armor good enough to wear, but the only thing you need for storm trooper armor is GUTS.

Spartan-419 said:
I um... I hate to sound like an ass, cause I'm really not trying to be, but...
This is a HALO forum... I don't think there will be very much Stormtropper sympathy, especially since they're bad guys. We can't even get much Elite sympathy. It's just a joke (kinda), so chill and have some fun. I will give stormtroopes this: They're British. How awesome would it be to hear the chief say "Bloody grunt!" "Little Buggar!" or perhaps, "Oi, Cortana, quit your blithering you steupid AI!" but yeah... true fans can take their favorite things being poked at. Which is why I found Zero Punctuation's Halo Roast to be hilarious.

Wyoming is british... I forget which rvb episodes he's in though.
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Spartans think tactically, where as storm troppers sacrifice their own life charging at the enemy....... whilst dieing.
now a spartanagainst a jedi would be an awsome battle...especially the chief armed with an energy sword...that would be so hardcore! LOVE to see the chief whoop a pansy ass jedi (im a HUGE starwars fan...but jedi are officers.....and i dont much like officers)...still that would be amazing!



fwoosh (jedi's head falls off)
Well Storm Troopers are from long ago and far, far away and chief is from year 2552. Who do you think will be all-around more technologically advanced? duh... chief is the man
not really, considering that even though it was long, long ago, they are still incredibly advanced technologically, it's like I said before, storm troopers are basic cannon fodder.

The fact that it's far, far away doesn't seem to make much difference sincee we aren't taking about the middle east, where the fact that it's far, far away (from western standpoint anyways) is also coupled with the fact that it's primitive, (this refering to war-torn places like Iraq)

X_X; George Lucas vs master chief lawls
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