Top-Quality Dome Piece!

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I just received my helmet that I commissioned from a really talented dude. I am extremely happy with the results- it's spectacular, to be honest. Three guesses who crafted this work of art...

I am also posting some comparison shots for reference purposes. I have seen this done in another thread and I thought it would be a good idea. What are your thoughts?
Wow amazing, to bad I have no idea who made it XD.
But there is one problem with them though, the weather seems a bit much. Fresh paint with the chipping method using salt, and a fine mist of gray paint may have been better on a few spots then going overboard with the white weathering paint that person did (Gender Free).
I give it a 86/100, since the paint jobs as important as the actual thing itself. No one would buy choclate if it was green in some spots, I dont grade highly if its not painted well.
Great helmats overall though.
Personally, I feel that the gray-paint weathering is one of the best aspects of this helmet. What good is a pristine suit of armor for Earth's greatest badass? The paintjob is very good, the pics may not do it justice, but it's very close to the shade of green for the Chief statue at Madame Tussaudes in Vegas...anyone else want to take a stab at who crafted this piece?
That looks really good, but then again it is BlueRealm so I would expect nothing less.
Just wondering though, the pics are kind of small. Any way you might be able to upload larger pictures? I think that the small pictures don't really portray how good BlueRealm's work is because the pics are so small.
Yes, it's Blue's work. I will try to upload some bigger pics (you're right, those are too small...). This isn't the one that was on eBay- this is his newest helmet, actually.
CemreTas said:
Wow amazing, to bad I have no idea who made it XD.
But there is one problem with them though, the weather seems a bit much. Fresh paint with the chipping method using salt, and a fine mist of gray paint may have been better on a few spots then going overboard with the white weathering paint that person did (Gender Free).
I give it a 86/100, since the paint jobs as important as the actual thing itself. No one would buy choclate if it was green in some spots, I dont grade highly if its not painted well.
Great helmats overall though.

And yours is where?
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RUZE: Yes, the bigger pics do it more justice, my lighting was screwed up. I will try to take some more soon.

RANKMASTA: Yes, the 4LED's are white and pretty bright. Powered by a 9 volt. You can be in a dark room and even with the tinted visor, you have visibility for a few feet with the lights.

Overall, the visibility is great in this thing. The fit is perfect. It has a really nice motorcycle helmet liner in it, and it doesn't fog up becasue it's ventilated at the top of the visor.
Well, the ventilation consists of small gaps between the visor and the top of the helmet. I am sure this was intentionally done and it works. I have tried to fog my helmet up and I can't. I will take some pics and upload them tonight (currently at work).
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