TORG Gaming Expo Info and Roll Call: November 1st, 2024 - November 3rd, 2024 (Columbus, Ohio)

Right?! 50x70 is absolutely MASSIVE
today spring GIF
I mentioned it in the discord a while back, but if there's gonna be a handfull of us there Thursday the 31st, does anyone want to go trick or treating or something?
If you want to stop in Cleveland on the way to Columbus, I would welcome as many Spartans as possible to assist with giving candy away to kids. :)
If you want to stop in Cleveland on the way to Columbus, I would welcome as many Spartans as possible to assist with giving candy away to kids. :)
Aw man, I'm coming from Minnesota so I'm coming from the opposite direction, and I've got my hotel for Thursday night. If Cleveland was closer, I'd drop stuff at the hotel and drive over
Description: Ready to Experience one of the LARGEST Video Gaming events in the Midwest!?
TORG Gaming Expo has you covered with THE MOST GAMES UNDER ONE ROOF! 140K sq ft Vendor Hall and over 300k sq ft total covering Tournaments, Tattoos, Console and Game Museum, Indi Devs, Table Top, Panels, Influencers, Voice Actors, Kidzone, Massive Console & Arcade Freeplay, cosplay, FREE Afterparty and sooo much more!!!

Date: November 1st, 2023 - November 3rd, 2023 (Condensed: 11/01/2024 - 11/03/2024)

Location: 400 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215

Venue: The Greater Columbus Convention Center

Event Website: TORG Gaming Expo

Went to check about a ticket for a friend and noticed the event website listed in the original thread post has a link to TORG 2023 and the website displays that tickets are not on sale. This may confuse some who don't check or catch the event year.
So FYI to anyone new using that link to head to the home page and go from there.

3 weeks away folks and lots to do before then. See you guys there!
Went to check about a ticket for a friend and noticed the event website listed in the original thread post has a link to TORG 2023 and the website displays that tickets are not on sale. This may confuse some who don't check or catch the event year.
So FYI to anyone new using that link to head to the home page and go from there.

3 weeks away folks and lots to do before then. See you guys there!
Good catch. I think when the post was first made, the 2024 site wasn't live yet, but I've gone ahead and adjusted the link to reflect the current website.
If anyone is looking for space in a room, I have two spaces in the Hyatt. Room is accounted for. Also traveling up from Atlanta via Knoxville and Cincinnati, so if that lines up with someone I can carpool.
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Does anyone know when rooms are available and who gets what room? I still am not sure where I am staying.
Does anyone know when rooms are available and who gets what room? I still am not sure where I am staying.
TORG has room blocks for our members at two Hotels, one connected and one a 14 minute drive away, but these are simply groups of rooms that have been set aside for booking at a special discounted rate, available through the links in the first post. These are not free rooms that are being assigned out to attendees. Each member is still responsible for organizing and booking their own accommodations, again through the links provided in the first post to take advantage of the discounted rates.

Rooms are available to book now, and have been since the link went live in the first post, and are still available. The discounted rate is available for Thu, Oct 31, 2024 - Mon, Nov 4, 2024, and Check In for the Hotels is 3 PM.
Since my DMs have gone unanswered I'll be purchasing two passes for the lady and me so we're not left out in the cold.
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