TORG Gaming Expo Info and Roll Call: November 1st, 2024 - November 3rd, 2024 (Columbus, Ohio)

If I were to join as a last-minute addition, would I be able to get a pass/a spare space with anyone who already has a room? I see in the above that the passes for us are capped out, so maybe not, but I don't want to miss out on the potential of joining if it's possible.
If I were to join as a last-minute addition, would I be able to get a pass/a spare space with anyone who already has a room? I see in the above that the passes for us are capped out, so maybe not, but I don't want to miss out on the potential of joining if it's possible.
If you have an inflatable mattress, we should be able to fit you in our room, Friday-Sunday. We currently have 3, just let me know. We are staying at the Hyatt which is connected to the venue.
If I were to join as a last-minute addition, would I be able to get a pass/a spare space with anyone who already has a room? I see in the above that the passes for us are capped out, so maybe not, but I don't want to miss out on the potential of joining if it's possible.
You would have to get your pass because I don't think they could get you one we already capped out.
Hey everyone! NobleofDeath16 being the glorious leader he is reminded me we need to start collecting things to put in goodie bags for the 4 voice actors that will be at TORG, if anyone can help out with that or help coordinate that it would be greatly appreciated
Hey everyone! NobleofDeath16 being the glorious leader he is reminded me we need to start collecting things to put in goodie bags for the 4 voice actors that will be at TORG, if anyone can help out with that or help coordinate that it would be greatly appreciated
Spider I have poker chips that I lasered for each of them
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Hey everyone! NobleofDeath16 being the glorious leader he is reminded me we need to start collecting things to put in goodie bags for the 4 voice actors that will be at TORG, if anyone can help out with that or help coordinate that it would be greatly appreciated
I could get something from the bakery my wife works at, like a cookie or something?
Hey everyone! NobleofDeath16 being the glorious leader he is reminded me we need to start collecting things to put in goodie bags for the 4 voice actors that will be at TORG, if anyone can help out with that or help coordinate that it would be greatly appreciated

I know I have extra 405th stickers and temporary tattoos, plenty of Outpost Discovery Dog Tags, and we can give everyone a copy of the 405th Activity Book. I also have some extra Chief and Cortana Vinyl Decals floating around that came as extras with some UNSC logo decals I ordered a while back that can be given away.

As an FYI some Guests and Celebrities are uncomfortable with food products, especially if they aren't in like a known manufacturer's sealed packing. Not saying they won't take it, but something to keep in mind.
Britt said she'll ask her boss if they have time to make corn cob cookies. If they can't their candy shop has corn suckers I can grab
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I believe everyone that's wanting deployment pictures is already signed up to it but I'm putting my photoshoot tracker down here. This tracker is for deployment photos as well as the more professional pictures I've been doing at conventions, though those picture will be dependent on whether I can find a spot i can "tactically aquire" for my backdrop and lights or Alternatively finding a good area to use as a backdrop. Should have it all sorted by Friday anyways.

i haven’t met the post requirement for membership yet, but I plan to be there Saturday all suited up. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys!
make sure you come by the booth i want to try to get as many pictures at this one as i can make sure you come find me and intro your self to me please
Good morning 405th TORG participants!

I am here to announce instructions for a skit that will be taking place Saturday morning for the opening ceremony of TORG! TORG event staff reached out to us to develop a little something for con-open, so OFiveTwo, Rosebud, JTF4, NobleofDeath16, and myself along with event staff have come up with this plan. Please read through and understand the following information, as we hope to have as many costumed Spartans participate in the opening ceremony as possible!

8:15am – VIP Wave Lineup

Please be in your suit and ready for the VIP door-open. We will be located just inside the main entrance in a line formation to welcome all the VIP attendees.​

9:00am – VIPs Enter

VIP attendees will enter.​

9:15am – Main Wave Lineup

Call time for opening ceremony skit.​

9:30am to 9:45am – Opening Ceremony Skit

TORG has re-appearing characters that are present at each year’s welcome ceremony. They will be incorporated in this year’s as well. They are (from left to right) Torque Man, TORG-man, and the Hoarder.​

The skit takes place outside the convention hall where attendees will be queueing to get in. The Hoarder will take his place near the front of the crowd near the entrance. The Hoarder will be holding a flag, and will be shielded by event volunteers called “minions”. Our army of Spartans commences near the back of the crowd with Torque-man and TORG-man.​
Over a loudspeaker you will hear the iconic line “Flag stolen!” At this point the Spartans, along with Torque-man and TORG-man, will begin searching amongst the crowd for the enemy that has stolen our flag. Spartans will interact with attendees, perhaps using line like “We are looking for the one who has stolen out flag! Alert us if you see him!” or “We need to get that flag back soldiers! Locate the enemy!” Really get involved with folks here, make it an exciting experience! We may even make some Halo-themed “Wanted” posters to help you in your search. While you are doing this slowly make you way up the sides of the crowd toward the entrance where the Hoarder is.​
After a period of frantic searching the Hoarder will be spotted by our Spartans and will begin being chased into the convention hall. Please note that the lovely event staff member who will be playing the Hoarder cannot run due to an injury, only walk fast. To keep our fast-pace chase energy, consider a more chaotic and disorganized approach to your army communication. Perhaps running to tell your fellow Spartans that you’ve spotted the enemy before chasing the enemy, for example.​
TORG-man will announce “Send in OMEGA TEAM!” Omega team lines will be played through the loudspeaker while our very own Omega team (SSGLordBert, SSGLordElmo, SSGLordErne) chase the Hoarder in, followed by our Spartans, who will then be followed by Torque-man and TORG-man. After all Spartans have made it in, the doors will close and the crowd will hear a gauss canon go off over the loudspeaker, followed by the Halo-3-Spartan-dying sound effect, followed by “Flag dropped!”​
The skit will conclude around 9:45 to give attendees some time to wonder what the heck just happened.​

10:00am – Doors Open

All Spartans will be lined up inside the convention hall as they were to welcome the VIP guests with the addition of Omega team detaining the Hoarder. We will continue to stay in formation until the majority of the line outside the convention hall has dwindled. After that you can feel free to go to your booth and Extra-Life obligations, or to begin wandering the convention hall.​


The Mini-Mayhem stream event may be moved to another time slot to allow OFiveTwo and myself to organize you folks for the opening ceremony. Stay tuned for an update on that!

Treat attendee interactions with the same care you would the live stream; that is, no profanity, no pointing your gun at people, etc. You never know who it is you’re interacting with. For all we know your boss, grandmother, your favourite voice actor, or the event runner could be in the crowd. Let’s make sure we put our best foot forward for them, eh?

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What time will our members be given access to the Venue, since VIPS are entering at 9 AM?
What time will our members be given access to the Venue, since VIPS are entering at 9 AM?
405th members will have access to the convention hall at 7am.

This will be reiterated when members receive their badges; make sure your badge has your provided 405th Partner sticker on it with your forum name. This is how convention staff will identify 405th members outside of armour. Here is what the sticker will look like:
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