UK 405th

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JediFraz said:
And Honour..:)

I did submit an edited version of the 405th logo for international use but never heard back about it.

I responded.... we went back in forth in email about your Banner... remember I told you I did like the look of it, but until the club was official, we were staying generic.

It was all on March 28... I can forward the emails back to you... or did I miss a New 405th logo?
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WE have a new 405th UK forum... to sort these types of ideas out. Now, who will moderate it?
I think its probably best if the original core group take up the responsibility.

That is:
Primal Weyland
and Me

If that's okay with you?
its kind of nice see the regiments coming out

Sinjinsmiley your list is good but i dont think you need 4 people for this regiment. I would think around 2 but that just my what i think
Spartan 051 said:
its kind of nice see the regiments coming out

Sinjinsmiley your list is good but i dont think you need 4 people for this regiment. I would think around 2 but that just my what i think

Its being figured out....stay tooned (toon, get it, ha)
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Spartan 051 said:
its kind of nice see the regiments coming out

Sinjinsmiley your list is good but i dont think you need 4 people for this regiment. I would think around 2 but that just my what i think
Well that's just the list of the original and core members and as we are all equal its not up to me to say who should get the position.
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pacbury said:
just noticed the new board...
nice to see 405th expanding :)

Not really expanding... just giving the UK guys a place to discuss UK specific things, without having to Search the Forum... we are still all the 405th Forum... as for equals...

You guys could start a separate organization, but I'd hate to see anyone leave based on geography, we just thought you were more concerned with finding other UK members easier on the forum, to discuss things like UK/US material equivalents, and where to buy, and certain UK cons... hence this new forum addition. Finding a UK MOD helps the current MODs because you are in such a different time zone, often we are still sleeping while people are posting away...

We didn't start a new organization or a new regiment... just gave the UK guys their own discussion corner...

The forum is still home to all costumers of the world involving Halo...
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pacbury said:
ok... nice to see the 405th staying the same size lol

LOL... there you go... Welcome all UK people.. who are... already around... I'll pop in every now and then to give you guys a ribbing about old world spelling....
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I'll pop in every now and then to give you guys a ribbing about old world spelling....

LoL, watchout or your gonna have a load of Brits dogpileing you :p

Its nice to see that the UK gets a board to themselves but wouldn't it be fair to also give the Aussies/NZs a board too?
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BlacRoseImmortal said:
LoL, watchout or your gonna have a load of Brits dogpileing you :p

Its nice to see that the UK gets a board to themselves but wouldn't it be fair to also give the Aussies/NZs a board too?

Do they need one too? The UK guys were just talking about leaving to their own board... no one wants them to leave... try to keep the Halo Costuming forums as much in one place as possible.
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We weren't exactly gonna leave. The idea was just put forward that we set up a seperate forum to discuss UK events etc but now we have this one there is no need.

Even if it had have been set up I'm sure we'd have stuck around here for the great community :D
Do they need one too? The UK guys were just talking about leaving to their own board... no one wants them to leave... try to keep the Halo Costuming forums as much in one place as possible.

Well I dont know if they NEED one but I do recall talkin to P0rtalman (Aussie) and how he and a few others were trying to work something out for getting together and doing conventions and stuff like that. I jut thought that since most of the members here are either US,UK, AUS or Canadian that maybe the Aussies and Canadians would like boards too. I dunno, I guess its up the them to speak up lol. Im not trynig to split anyone up, I really dont want that.... Sorry if I sound snooty or something, i'm just trying to help :)
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yeah leaving was never the intention, just didn't want to bog down the forum with Uk stuff that a majority of the people here wouldn't be bothered about. but as it is we gets our own section now. sweet! Thanks a lot mods. This is great.
i dont think anyone would have actually 'left'
there aren't many of us from the UK and theres loads of you here
maybe if theres enough people from other countries wanting there own section you could set up a 'over seas' section and then have sub forums in that
wait a minute... the uk got there own section, when all the French / Canadians have been asking for one for ages lol
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