1st Build VoicingPanda158's First Build, Mk VII from Halo Infinite!

Thought I'd make just another quick update on my progress. I've cut out the second thigh piece and I have cut out the template for the shins but uni has been stepping up the amount of work I need to get done in semester 2 so I've not been able to do as much as I'd like. Sadly this isn't useful for learning about transformers and coupled circuits or the inner workings of a BJT :(

The knife sharpener was really helpful and has made my cuts drastically cleaner, so much that I think most of the pieces won't need any sanding. I've attempted to capture the difference in this image:


I've had to put a hold on the assembly (my original plan was to assemble each piece before starting the next) as I don't have access to a space where I can use contact cement anymore but I'll be home in 3 weeks and I'll be able to use it then.

Hopefully I'll be able to get the bulk of the cutting done in the next 3 weeks and I'll be able to assemble most of it over easter.

Thanks for reading!
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