vshore100's CQB build (pic heavy)

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Nice job on the repairs, and very handy that you were able to simply cast it! Looking great at DragonCon too; one of these years I'll have to make the 6-8 mile drive downtown for that event.

Looking forward to seeing more of the chest piece!

That looks like a great time. Sorry I missed it. The costume and new helmet look great!

Looks so good. Those photos came out super. How tall are you BTW?

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Thanks! I'm 6'4" without armor, and roughly 6'8" with. :D

Nice job on the repairs, and very handy that you were able to simply cast it! Looking great at DragonCon too; one of these years I'll have to make the 6-8 mile drive downtown for that event.

Looking forward to seeing more of the chest piece!
Thanks Halex!


That looks like a great time. Sorry I missed it. The costume and new helmet look great!

Thanks Red! It was a great time. Ready to go again! :D
While doing a few repairs and changing batteries in preparation for this weeks festivities, I decided it was time to "shed a little light" on the shins, so to speak, lol.

Halo-ween.....here I come!!! :D
Dude... Your work is truly art. I can only wish to get my first set of armor as close to perfect as you did with yours. I want to do Spartan Locke. Waiting for the files to be built. I am building helmets and some foam armor for my kids for next Halloween. I am hoping Locke's armor set and Helmet will be available in time, so I can go out dressed with my kids. I wasn't soo sure about scoring on some of the pep files for Jorges helmet but I did them anyway. I agree with you. Some of them are definitely not worth it. Well, are you going to try a new armor set?
Wow. This really is incredible work. And I mean that! I'm beginning my own project soon hopefully. I also live in Kentucky. Any local shops/services you recommend I visit to help me along my way?

I actually made an account JUST so I could tell you how impressed I was with your project. I'm truly jealous of your talent. I hope to run into you one day at a convention and compare handiwork!!
vshore100 nice work! Can u tell who the guy in the gray hayabusa armor, standing right next to u at dragoncon, is? Thanks :)
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To everyone that posted, I'm truly sorry that I just now saw these. I haven't touched the armor in some time, and thought that everyone had forgotten about my old CQB armor, lol.

Dude... Your work is truly art. I can only wish to get my first set of armor as close to perfect as you did with yours. I want to do Spartan Locke. Waiting for the files to be built. I am building helmets and some foam armor for my kids for next Halloween. I am hoping Locke's armor set and Helmet will be available in time, so I can go out dressed with my kids. I wasn't soo sure about scoring on some of the pep files for Jorges helmet but I did them anyway. I agree with you. Some of them are definitely not worth it. Well, are you going to try a new armor set?
Thanks Shadez! I'm sure your armor will turn out great! I am going to do another set of armor. It will be the Halo 4 CIO armor. I've started but it will be a little while before I post anything on it. :D

I see impact props... you live near them?somewhat?
I do not. We finally met for the first time at Dcon. Brad is a super cool dude!

Just WOW! Your armor is AWESOME! Well done :)
Thanks very much. I really appreciate that!

Wow. This really is incredible work. And I mean that! I'm beginning my own project soon hopefully. I also live in Kentucky. Any local shops/services you recommend I visit to help me along my way?

I actually made an account JUST so I could tell you how impressed I was with your project. I'm truly jealous of your talent. I hope to run into you one day at a convention and compare handiwork!!
Thanks so much! Don't be jealous Hiawoofa, you can be just as good or even better. It just takes time and patience. I really haven't really seen any good shops around the Ky. area honestly. Other than Harbor Freight and Hobby Lobby, lol. Hopefully we will meet one day!

How much for an actual cast of the CQB helmet?
The mold is heading south unfortunately, but if you're willing to put in the extra work for clean up, PM me a quote.
vshore100 nice work! Can u tell who the guy in the gray hayabusa armor, standing right next to u at dragoncon, is? Thanks :)
Thanks! Yes I can. He's a good friend of mine, Steven Lee, aka hyperballistik and fellow Stony Props member as well! ;)
vshore100 nice thanks! Is there any way to contact him? Does he has a thread of this build here? Didn't find anything. I checked out the stony props yt channel but ... Well there are not so many videos :D
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Hello gang!

It's been a while since I posted anything in this thread...so lets fix that right now, lol! A few weekends back several of the Midwest and Southern Regiment members participated in the Florence Freedom Gamer's Night at the Baseball stadium in Florence, KY. We all had a great time interacting people and taking tons of photos. Here's a few that my wife was able to snap from that day. Macattack64 HaloGoddess Cadet Forgive me, I can't remember the other member's usernames.

IMG_2424.JPG IMG_2425.JPG IMG_2426.JPG IMG_2428.JPG IMG_2452.JPG IMG_2430.JPG
IMG_2453.JPG IMG_2437.JPG IMG_2436.JPG IMG_2443.JPG

I have also been working on a foam version of my Mk. VI chest. Here it is with in it's basic form, and after about 90% of the details have been added. I still have a few details to add, then prep it to be separated and install the clips to hold them together, before I can plasti-dip and paint. It's coming together nicely though!

IMG_2361.JPG IMG_2362.JPG IMG_2363.JPG IMG_2459.JPG IMG_2460.JPG
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Ok, you regular CQB suit is a known grand slam......your foam-work is FANTASTIC!!!!!! Not just the detailing.....Its the basic form that is so crisp and clean......I'm jealous!!!! On my best day I can't get something like this done!!!!
Your wife got some good shots. Would you mind if I added them to the album for the Event on the Regiment's Facebook page?
No problem Cadet. Go for it! :D

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, you regular CQB suit is a known grand slam......your foam-work is FANTASTIC!!!!!! Not just the detailing.....Its the basic form that is so crisp and clean......I'm jealous!!!! On my best day I can't get something like this done!!!!
Thanks very much Dirtdives! What an awesome comment! :D
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Teach me how.........or is it something gained just from doing?

There are loads of youtube videos showing how to work with foam. Bill Doran of Punished Props has a couple of amazing E-Books, as well as hard copy books on working with foam, and
The Heroes Workshop, aka Stealth has an pretty cool tutorial series as well. It really does come down to just getting into it and trying it for yourself. It takes a practice and patience, but you can do it too!
The pictures look great Rusty! Nice job on the foam chest so far by the way. :)

Thanks Matt! I'm pretty happy with it so far. :D
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