W.I.P. Halo 4 MK V foam armor build ( 3 suits )

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EVA foam is very cheap, well cheaper than fiberglass, resin, and bondo. but then again, pep dose have very good results if done right so yeah, keep practising.:)

True but with no income right now it's generally cheaper to practice folding paper and learning to use the pep documents then I can make better use of them to create the foam pieces when it comes time to start on the real deal. I'm still waiting to start on my FB MA5C though. I already have the majority of the materials for it so I'm just waiting for the pep documents to get printed from my father's work (36 pages would easily kill the printers at home) and then I'll be starting in on it.
Finished all the shoulders. Pics coming tomorrow........ I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Onward to the torso!!!!!!!!!
Here are a couple of pics of the shoulder pieces. Since it's finally warm outside up here in Wisconsin I can finally get out and paint. image.jpegimage.jpeg
All shoulders are done. Torso pieces are cut out and starting the gluing tomorrow. Going to start painting soon so more pics to come.
Here are some pics of the torso that I'm making for my daughter. The pieces do look small but she is petite for an 18 yr old. IMG_2396.JPGIMG_2397.JPGAs I'm building I come across pieces that just don't need to be there and can be left out without making a difference in the look. IMG_2398.JPGSo many little pieces.......must go to bed......
Here are a few pics of the completed torso piece with her Deadeye helmet on. So close to being finished with all the suits. I swivel hinged the torso and placed a screw to keep it in place. IMG_2406.JPGIMG_2407.JPGIMG_2408.JPGIMG_2409.JPG
they look good is it the best material to use

If you mean the EVA foam and cardstock then yes. Foam is great because it's easy to work with but cardstock finished with resin and bondo will give a much more detailed piece so really it's all up to the builder and their preference.
Here are some more pics of the build so far.
IMG_2411.JPGMy torso piece partly built with the Commando helmet.
IMG_2416.JPGMy son and his partly built torso piece with the Raider helmet.
IMG_2420.JPGAll 3 helmets have 1st (outside resin coat) on.
I'm just in awe at how much work you are getting done for you fire team......Fantastic work so far. Eagerly awaiting the next pieces and completion......From 1 dad to another.......you have my vote for Dad of the Year!!!
I'm just in awe at how much work you are getting done for you fire team......Fantastic work so far. Eagerly awaiting the next pieces and completion......From 1 dad to another.......you have my vote for Dad of the Year!!!
Thanks Dirtdives. I've been pepping and foaming away at this since just after Xmas. At first it didn't seem like I would ever finish then all of a sudden presto I'm at the end. Now I can start to be a part of the world again......What year is it?! The painting and detailing will be started in the next day or so. All of that should go pretty quick. It's funny that you said Dad of the Year because on of my daughter's friends couldn't even fathom that I even like to cosplay. She said her dad would never do something like that. To that I say "To pep or not to pep that is the question" ..........I choose pep. Stay tuned for finished suits.......
I'm working on a MK VI armour, and i was wondering whats the best way to get the chest easy to get on and off?

You could make it whole then cut it into two pieces and attach them together somehow or cut it into two pieces then hinge swivel the top half on both sides and attach the bottom with bolts. The second option is what I went with. There are many other ways to do the chest piece and if you venture forth to the sticky threads I'm sure you would be able to come up with something. After I'm fully done with the suits you will be able to see what I did. Good Luck on your Mjolnir VI armour.
Excuse me........when can I place my order in for a suit?...........hello?..........is any body behind the counter?...........
IMG_2451.JPG Caulked and Plasti-Dipped. Next step painting and detailing. Stay tuned for the completion.............
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