Is there going to be leg armor?
Lol looks like you made a whole lot of progress. Your look for the release was pretty sweet. I was only able to get my helmet done(ish) for the launch. Your vac form visor came out really clean. Really stocked about your teaser trailer. The Drop Pod is looking epic.
Whudddupppp 'nother Twin Cities ODST. Represent.
Suit looks great, some of the pieces look like they are a little small though.
cardstock is the easiest thing you can make it with unless if you think flexfoam is easierNice work. Not.
Seriously though, im new to this whole pep thing, i have made a assualt rifle spare clip before, but i dont know. I need some easy technique that doesnt involve cardstock. Got any suggestions? Pm me if so.
How did you go about strapping on all of the pieces below the main chest piece? A picture would be helpful... but not necessary, cause you (probably) have a life. lol lol jk no offense i make armor too. Thanks a million!
I wouldn't say it's mandatory, but it makes it much more functional. For example, my black turtle neck which I wear underneath isn't skin tight. If I attached pieces to that, it would be pretty loose. Also I would imagine it'd be quite uncomfortable.
What is that vest piece you are using called?
dude I hate to be negative, but your chest/ab plates seem a bit small for you. The chest plate is too small all around and the ab plates don't give full coverage of the area that they should. Just an observation.