Warhammer 40K Space Marine

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I must say I have a fondness for the Ultrasmurfs, they had the best equipment. They were just too nice for me. Seeing as though the game will be out sometime this year it may be worth doing a Blue. Helmet looks nice & smooth, good work Chwbcc. Paint looks nice too. Will it be staying gloss or is that just for making a mold? I saw your WIP on B&C also, nice.
Judge said:
I must say I have a fondness for the Ultrasmurfs, they had the best equipment. They were just too nice for me. Seeing as though the game will be out sometime this year it may be worth doing a Blue. Helmet looks nice & smooth, good work Chwbcc. Paint looks nice too. Will it be staying gloss or is that just for making a mold? I saw your WIP on B&C also, nice.

You know, I've only started posting on B&C this past week and I am already over 2000 views! That's crazy. I've just added Samuray's link to the thread. His popularity is going to increase!

I think the blue is just to smooth things out with paint. I'm really impressed with my first attempt at this and I know it could be better but I think I am going to seal this with a gloss coat and just start the mold process. I think selling, I mean Trading, this as a Kit takes a lot of pressure off of me to make it perfect yet it still give others the ability to easily work on and customize it they way they would like it.

Have you resin'd and glassed your pieces yet?
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Haven't progressed much further just yet, bit busy. Have family here for my 40th. Did however get my backpack finished in 3D, will be getting it printed onto A3 tomorrow. Then just have to try & pep it at some time.
Too bad the foam didn't work. I was rooting for that, and was hoping to use it for my own stuff. The new progress is looking good.

Were you planning on kitting the whole suit eventually or just the helm?
Too bad the foam didn't work. I was rooting for that, and was hoping to use it for my own stuff. The new progress is looking good.

Were you planning on kitting the whole suit eventually or just the helm?

My goal is to do the whole suit. But I am taking it step by step. First the Helm, next either the chest or the shoulders. Either of these will look nice hung on a wall until I get everything done.

Then I will do the arms since they are symmetrical and finally the legs and cod piece.

It's a couple of months in teh making but I want it to be perfect or close to it so the Kit has minor touch ups and assembly.
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Well it looks great so far. I would love to do a SM build someday. I actually started a full scale bolter a while back. With all the recent warhammer 40k activity I may have to take a secodn look at it.

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Ok I have been making progress, I should have some of the front finished today... For those of you following this thread, I am trying to buy a house right now so I am saving my money for all that stupid stuff... But I will keep plugging away at the Pep files. My new house is going to have a really nice workshop, I hope everything works out.

Let me know what you all think:



It looks good so far Chwbcc. I finally got finished unfolding my Terminator Helmet "again" I had it up at one time on the Tamasoft site but pulled it off for reasons unknown it's pretty low poly but bondo can fix that but yet I plan to do all the Terminator Armor and post it up sometime around the first of the year. I may even do some Eldar and Sister armor that I have but only time will tell.

EDIT: When I started this with building the pep files for the Marine I originally posted them up on B&C before here but there really was'nt any intrest but now that I have been hearing of members here posting progress on there I may have to go back and take a look.
Nintendude said:
It looks good so far Chwbcc. I finally got finished unfolding my Terminator Helmet "again" I had it up at one time on the Tamasoft site but pulled it off for reasons unknown it's pretty low poly but bondo can fix that but yet I plan to do all the Terminator Armor and post it up sometime around the first of the year. I may even do some Eldar and Sister armor that I have but only time will tell.

EDIT: When I started this with building the pep files for the Marine I originally posted them up on B&C before here but there really was'nt any intrest but now that I have been hearing of members here posting progress on there I may have to go back and take a look.

I started a thread on B&C and the interest is growing... let me know when you get to the eldar, I'd love for a nice simple Guardian, banana heads rule! lol
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looks good so far, hate to imagine how much paper and ink it must take up, but i guess nobody said making costumes was cheap and easy. keep up the good work!
Looks great Chwbcc. Where you have that hole in the back is where I'm thinking of putting a 120mm pc fan. I keep an eye on your B&C thread, lots of views so far. I don't want to post on there until your a bit further along.

Nin, my partner loves the Sisters of Battle, not playing them, just the look, so they would be a definate want in this house. BTW what did you think of the Heavy Bolter I sent you, and I've found another 2 Chainswords. They need some cleaning though. Also a fantastic Bolt Pistol.
Judge said:
Looks great Chwbcc. Where you have that hole in the back is where I'm thinking of putting a 120mm pc fan. I keep an eye on your B&C thread, lots of views so far. I don't want to post on there until your a bit further along.

Nin, my partner loves the Sisters of Battle, not playing them, just the look, so they would be a definate want in this house. BTW what did you think of the Heavy Bolter I sent you, and I've found another 2 Chainswords. They need some cleaning though. Also a fantastic Bolt Pistol.

Willie, The cost for paper and ink hasn't been that bad... (that reminds me I need to buy another ink cartridge) I have build a MC for my daughter, and 2 Marine Helms, a chest, the shoulders and an arm with one pack of 150 sheet 110 card stock $10 and on black ink cartridge $30 so it's not that bad... The time on the other hand has been over 100 hours... If I were to have been paid Minimum wage for the time spent I would have about $200 invest in time (and that doesn't count the 7 hours I built the Optimus Prime costume from Duct Tape and Card Board boxes) :)

Judge, I looked at that heavy bolter and I'm not a big fan of that model. I like the Storm Bolters best, I haven't found any good models yet! I think it's a little too long but until I get better at Maya it's better than what I can do! :) I've found some other good files on Google 3d, is that where you are finding the files?

I've found a couple of other really good files there check it out if you can.

I'm almost finished with Samuray's Chest Pep. It's coming together good. I think it might need some internal supports to hold it together while I wait to glass it.

Oh and if you find any Sisters of Battle Peps I would love to build some of those! Granted I think they are going to involve more sewing than Peping but I've got my mom's antique machine laying around here somewhere.

More pics to come shortly...
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Yes, Google SketchUp Warehouse. The modeller Psychotron who made up a whole bunch of models has given me permisiion to use them & adapt them for pep. So I'm sort of just sticking to those for now.

My 3D skills are very minimal. I've only found 1 Storm Bolter model, which wasn't what I wanted. Then again a SB is just normal bolters stuck together so maybe I can come up with something.

The Heavy Bolter is the era of suit you have, the back pack magazine feed was later, I'd love 1 of those. It does look long, but using a miniature for reference it looks about right to me.

If you resin coat the back, then you can use that as the support for the front. Just a thought
Spartan 051 said:
very impressive doing that with out numbers

Ugh yeah that was my stupid fault and actually I think it was easier than cutting out all the pieces and trying to match the numbers. I simply used the Part List view in Pepakura and cut the pieces as I needed them... Much easier, however I wish I would have had the numbers to make my seams tighter.

Here's a note about these Peps:

These files are really good but you have to resin and glass some of these parts rather quickly because the weight of the paper will distort the paper or in my case the humidity popped the seams, (stupid super glue)

And after working on the Helm the masking tape method is by far the best method for assembly...

Use masking tape on the outside seal all the seams and saturate the inside with resin and layout the glass in small sections. When this drys and you have covered the interior complelty, peal off the masking tape and resin the outside until the paper is completely saturated. Let this dry and start the bondo process... Which I recommend using the spot filler for the entire piece. It's a lot easier to use, it's premixed and you don't have to do alot of sanding... This will cost a bit more but I think it's worth the time saving.

I have to re build my Shoulders because of the warping, but I think I am going to wait until I find out if we are getting out house or not... That way I am not in the middle of something while we move.
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I know I know double post... but I am moving faster than people can reply and isn't an active bump better than a dead bump?

Also for you guys following me on B&C I'm trying to post the same info so you can stay informed here and there... This is my place of preference but the B&C is the market place for this sort of project.

Here it is the final chest Pep... There are a lot of problems with it but it looks pretty good for the first one pep'd. I will pass my feedback to the designer so he can work out the issues.

But on a whole it is a really nice piece. I had to trim the bottom pieces so I could get into it but that only required removing an inch and a half from the bottom ring area and I was able to slide right in to it. The piece is going to need some shoulder supports and some internal supports while I glass the piece but after a nice think coast of resin this will be nice and solid.

In the the pics below you will see the side are bulging out because of the lack of supports and the way it sit on the body. The piece isn't actually that wide when it is sitting on the floor.

The top neck area also doesn't line up because of the way it is sitting on the body, so I will have to make sure this doesn't warp when I fiberglass the piece. I will probably brace the neck area and glass that first then more on to the shoulders, so this helps keep the proportions. Then I will glass the bottom ring area to hold the bottom in place then glass the rest of the piece...

Tell me what you guys think?




Well done. The side bits, under the arms, I know they aren't going to be as wide, but will you be able to relax your arms? The bottom of the arm ring is high, like mine is. In the prep stage I came across this problem & am just waiting for all the glassing before I try & work it out.

It looks low enough down the stomach & wide enough across the shoulders, so good work on the sizing. Have you got a shoulder pad you can use as a reference for overall scale/appearance?

I hate to say it but now the helmet looks like it might be too big (or long)for the suit. Maybe once the whole chest gets firmed up it will look more proportional, then you can disregard this comment, lol.
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