Judge said:Well done. The side bits, under the arms, I know they aren't going to be as wide, but will you be able to relax your arms? The bottom of the arm ring is high, like mine is. In the prep stage I came across this problem & am just waiting for all the glassing before I try & work it out.
It looks low enough down the stomach & wide enough across the shoulders, so good work on the sizing. Have you got a shoulder pad you can use as a reference for overall scale/appearance?
I hate to say it but now the helmet looks like it might be too big (or long)for the suit. Maybe once the whole chest gets firmed up it will look more proportional, then you can disregard this comment, lol.
LOL I only disregard statements of people who haven't started working on one of these totally awesome suits!
My shoulder is falling apart but check out the photos below...
at first I was afraid to actually lower my arms for fear of the pep falling apart! :lol
I think I may have to do some trimming as well and I think I am going to do it before I glass but I really don't know, I have to really think about what I need to trim and what I would like to keep. I didn't like the way it was siting on the shoulders so I added in some pads my wife wife uses for Mrs. Potts and it pushed everything just about perfect. I also added in a pad in the head as well to lift the helm off the shoulders and that really brings the suit to life. It makes the helm look like a bobble head but I can reduce the shoulder padding and the head padding to make it sit properly. I think the shoulder is a little large in depth but not height. I think I am going to modify the piece by removing the edging and glass that then add in a new border that is not as pronounced.
You will also see the pep warping because of the position I have wot stand in to hold the shoulder but with the right angle in the neck area this looks pretty good in proportion. The first two pics are with out the helmet padding and the last three have the padding.
Here's some more pics:

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