You know, between you, Link, BlueRealm, Lee, and every other person here who makes god-like stuff, the 405th probably holds records for most daily death/robbery threats...
That's AWESOME - thanks for posting that! Unfortunately I don't have a decent video camera. My still camera does video but not well. I did think about getting some melons and smashing them but that would only look good in slo-mo and I'm not set up for video editing. Let me ask around and see what I can do...
angry_cabbage said:
Im not allowed in the classifieds yet but i really want one of these beasts. Can we discuss a price through pms?
That's AWESOME - thanks for posting that! Unfortunately I don't have a decent video camera. My still camera does video but not well. I did think about getting some melons and smashing them but that would only look good in slo-mo and I'm not set up for video editing. Let me ask around and see what I can do...
It's been a heck of a project and I hope it lives up to everyone's expectations. I will be making a limited run of kits available in the classifieds later this evening for anyone who may be interested.