Doom said:
Just to let you know Vrogy, I have had the model for many months now, Since around the time of the beta's release almost. I got the rest of them soon after. I never got around to using them myself but I did put them to good use during my away time. I put them forward to MustangMatt and JediFraz for peping. We pretty much finished all of them and Matt had assembled most of them. We were planning on releasing it all but then things fell apart and we never got around to doing it.
Then Slyfo came and posted his files for Pepakura :/ .
I had posted renders long ago of it which were in the Show Room. Eventually that was removed from this forum though due to lack of activity. You got a hold of my renders after the Show Room was taken down so I suppose you didn't know those were from me.
And Also, because those people didn't oblige to you and hand over the models, dosn't mean you need to judge them under those actions and then categorize them. Most people who were given the models were put under a strict policy about handeling them...
Vrogy, I don't know why you were after the Halo 3 Model, I had posted renders of it without a texture in my old topic in the Show Room, It showed how it was a bit more highpoly, but not enough to really have it Routed or Printed. If anything, I think you should have spent your time getting the DOA Model rather then trying to hunt down the Halo 3 Models...
When you keep something to a select few, only those few will improve upon it and create new work derived from it, if they do at all. This is a basic truth of media. Furthermore, when that select few are the only ones empowered to do whatever it is they do, in this case rendering, model/3d work with the game models, they tend to rest on their laurels after getting some work done which differentiates them from the 'crowd'.
I believe that all data wants to be free, in the hands of all, to do with as they wish. This isn't because I wish to see certain people brought low or even others elevated, but because it keeps progress rolling forward. I've seen some of the pep models that were released compared to ones done in the past few days after the models were made publicly available, and I'm amazed that the original pep authors didn't do a better job.
I've searched these forums and found several people interested in generating high-quality, game-accurate models for rapid prototyping and subsequent casting or forming, but they were ignored, or merely not answered. Now that we have the models and the normal map, we've basically figured out a way to get that extra detail.. but we couldn't have done it without them.
What I'm saying is that a little more openness and freedom could have really helped those who wish to actually break new ground a month ago. Instead of making excuses or naming reasons for something not happening, make it public, and the community will get it done. There's a lot of raw talent here- if you let them use it, you'd probably be amazed at what they could come up with.
I understand what happened, but in the future, please keep this in mind.