I'm going a different route for the mesh detail this time around and it looks really good. I like it a whole lot more than my previous ab wrap from my other foam build.
Thanks and nope you didn't miss anything, I just didn't say my super secret method
But alas, since you have pointed out that I didn't share my super secret method, I must now share it lol.
Walmart had some nice mesh fabric for like .97 per yard so I bought some and just hot glued it on. Pretty simple In my other build I used cabinet grip liner. It worked great but was really thick. The only issue I have with this mesh fabric is I'm worried what will happen after I plastidip. If it goes a little wonky then I'll remove it, re plastidip, then just reapply the black mesh over the plastidipped/ painted/ finished ab wrap.
It'll be an experiment but I think all will be well in the end
looks good. But i would recommend a 3M adhesive spray for an overall grab on the mesh. lil easier and more time to play. but if it worked for you it looks awsome either way.
looks good. But i would recommend a 3M adhesive spray for an overall grab on the mesh. lil easier and more time to play. but if it worked for you it looks awsome either way.
So we pepped the FOTUS helmet that we had and it was like 2 or 3 sizes too big. This helmet is going to be funky to scale because I although it was tight in terms of width, it was way to tall. I'm working on an unfold now from the actual Halo 4 render, maybe that will help.