2008 presidential elections

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SpartanForever said:
Ya and they split cali so its not that big of a deal... AND obama got all the caucuses, he has a butt load more money then hillary so he has a big upper hand on the other states. Also al gore and edwards are prolly gonna endorse obama so thats another huge card.!

Maybe, but yea, Obama is kicking Hilary's butt in the fund raising department.

Who would u vote for Adam?
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As far as the patriot act is concerned, if you aren't hiding something... what's the big deal? Yeah, it wreaks of big brother and all that. But I personally believe it is used for more good than bad, and helps in protecting this country.

If you're calling your drug dealer from your phone and it gets tapped, that's your issue. Just an opinion mind you. And opinions can change if I learn something new. And something new isn't "you're an idiot, wake up". We can debate in a civilized manner.

Also, I think it's ridiculous how candidates can spend $250 million dollars on campaigning (which they write off on their taxes) and then whine how the bush administration has increased our national debt by billions. None of this make sense.

If I walked into a polling office tomorrow to vote, it would probably be romney, but the jury is still out. (gotta represent the elephant!)
Adam said:
As far as the patriot act is concerned, if you aren't hiding something... what's the big deal? Yeah, it wreaks of big brother and all that. But I personally believe it is used for more good than bad, and helps in protecting this country.

If you're calling your drug dealer from your phone and it gets tapped, that's your issue. Just an opinion mind you. And opinions can change if I learn something new. And something new isn't "you're an idiot, wake up". We can debate in a civilized manner.

Also, I think it's ridiculous how candidates can spend $250 million dollars on campaigning (which they write off on their taxes) and then whine how the bush administration has increased our national debt by billions. None of this make sense.

If I walked into a polling office tomorrow to vote, it would probably be romney, but the jury is still out. (gotta represent the elephant!)

Did you ever relaize how the elephant is a fat ugly boring stupid animal.... haha jk. But the government has no right to go into peoples private conversations and record and listen to them. Its rediculous to think people should be aloud to listen to your private conversations, its CRAZY. If romney is elected then there will most likely be a lot more racism in the country do to him being a morman and mormans not exactly very fond of gays and blacks. I dont know that facts but im just taking a shot in the dark. But Romney is not gonna get the republican vote, McCain basically already has it haha. But its now a fight between who will get VP huckabee, or romney.
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SpartanForever said:
Did you ever relaize how the elephant is a fat ugly boring stupid animal.... haha jk. But the government has no right to go into peoples private conversations and record and listen to them. Its rediculous to think people should be aloud to listen to your private conversations, its CRAZY. If romney is elected then there will most likely be a lot more racism in the country do to him being a morman and mormans not exactly very fond of gays and blacks. I dont know that facts but im just taking a shot in the dark. But Romney is not gonna get the republican vote, McCain basically already has it haha. But its now a fight between who will get VP huckabee, or romney.

Xavier said:
your choice it yours man, make it for the right reasons... your reasons. but its still yours, and you shouldn't feel bad about it...
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Yes it is your choice just like its your oppinion and no one should tell you otherwise, but people are allowed to try to persuade yout o like someone else.... jsut not force.
SpartanForever said:
Did you ever relaize how the elephant is a fat ugly boring stupid animal.... haha jk. But the government has no right to go into peoples private conversations and record and listen to them. Its rediculous to think people should be aloud to listen to your private conversations, its CRAZY. If romney is elected then there will most likely be a lot more racism in the country do to him being a morman and mormans not exactly very fond of gays and blacks. I dont know that facts but im just taking a shot in the dark. But Romney is not gonna get the republican vote, McCain basically already has it haha. But its now a fight between who will get VP huckabee, or romney.

did u ever realize what the donkey is? a ASS!
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thisismadness2 said:
did u ever realize what the donkey is? a ASS!

No the donkey's ass is an ass, same with every other person and animal.... everyone has an ass. Are you calling me an ass? Are you calling me an ass for being a democrat?? You didnt say you were jk... im taking it seriously.
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orman and mormans not exactly very fond of gays and blacks. I dont know that facts but im just taking a shot in the dark. But Romney is not gonna get the republican vote, McCain basically already has it haha. But its now a fight between who will get VP huckabee, or romney.

First, it's MormOn, and second. That's a very prejudice thing to say. Don't judge people based off their religious beliefs, especially if you don't know what those religious beliefs say. Mormons are christians.
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thisismadness2 said:
whats the difference between a democrat and a prostitute?
The prostitute gives value to the money she takes

You want to go into a personal battle do it in a pm, cause if we do it here it will be locked in a second.... what are you a republican? How many people have you killed? millions? ya i think it was millions in iraq. Im guessing you voted for Bush... BOTH TIMES.... hahaha how stupid can you be to vote 2 times for Bush.

You should get the Hammer for saying what you just said.... Adam how about you look at what he just said... its really pissing me off.
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Adam said:
First, it's MormOn, and second. That's a very prejudice thing to say. Don't judge people based off their religious beliefs, especially if you don't know what those religious beliefs say. Mormons are christians.

And adam, i am not judging... my brother lives with a mormOn (sorry about that) family and they do not like blacks or gays.... and they decided that after speaking to romney....
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Out of curiousity, how many people who are arguing for their political beliefs in this thread will be partaking in our elections this fall?

Meaning how many of you are still minors?
Ruze789 said:
Out of curiousity, how many people who are arguing for their political beliefs in this thread will be partaking in our elections this fall?

Meaning how many of you are still minors?

It shouldnt matter, i may not be able to vote but i can still persuade the voters and spread my ideas.
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SpartanForever said:
It shouldnt matter, i may not be able to vote but i can still persuade the voters and spread my ideas.

I'm not saying it does matter, nor am I judging anyone who has said anything in this thread. I just find it interesting how strongly some people hold their beliefs, and doing a quick checking of profiles shows almost everyone who's posted in here is underage.
It's just interesting is all, politics was the very last thing on my teenage mind.
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thisismadness2 said:
whats the difference between a democrat and a prostitute?
The prostitute gives value to the money she takes

HAHAH this kid is only 13, you should not be talking here.... tell me if you know anything about real politics... how is the no child left behind program working and what does obama plan to do for it???
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battle royale :) - Word of advice is try not to take offense to anything people say. And seriously, no jokes or personal attacks.
13 yes stupid no, that joke was directed at democratic politics not you personnaly, yes i believe bush has made unwise decisions, and yes i believe some of the death were unnecesary. I do know a bit about politics, my grandfather and I talk for hours about world politics so dont say i dont know anything. Know i you are being as annoying and irogant as i am so dont ask for me to be banned when really you started it with your elephant joke. i was simply making a bit of a come back. I also hate how this is going i feel like with these last few posts this topic has turned into a hate thread. not a discussion bored. I know and love democrats and ive used that joke on them and at least the have a smll bit of humor in them, and can take it as a joke. Unlike yourself who took it like it was directed specificaly at you which it wasnt. I am sorry that i pissed you off in the first place you need to just take a chill pill.......
thisismadness2 said:
13 yes stupid no, that joke was directed at democratic politics not you personnaly, yes i believe bush has made unwise decisions, and yes i believe some of the death were unnecesary. I do know a bit about politics, my grandfather and I talk for hours about world politics so dont say i dont know anything. Know i you are being as annoying and irogant as i am so dont ask for me to be banned when really you started it with your elephant joke. i was simply making a bit of a come back. I also hate how this is going i feel like with these last few posts this topic has turned into a hate thread. not a discussion bored. I know and love democrats and ive used that joke on them and at least the have a smll bit of humor in them, and can take it as a joke. Unlike yourself who took it like it was directed specificaly at you which it wasnt. I am sorry that i pissed you off in the first place you need to just take a chill pill.......

How about you say im just kidding next time... and what i said was a joke not intended on anyone... and it wasnt as harmful as your's was. Im am calm its a bit hard to take a tone over the internet and im sorry if you thought i was yelling or freaking out. but i did take offense to it. You can say i dont agree with democratic politics but dont insult it. After all it is what started america (a democracy). And i am sorry about the 13 year old comment, but i hope you can see where it was coming from (as most 13 year olds dont know jack about politics. And i shouldnt have commented without knowing you personally and talking to you more.... how about no more commenting on people other thent he candidates and no more harmful comments on political parties, just intelligent comments.

Obama 08!!!
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SpartanForever said:
How about you say im just kidding next time... and what i said was a joke not intended on anyone... and it wasnt as harmful as your's was. Im am calm its a bit hard to take a tone over the internet and im sorry if you thought i was yelling or freaking out. but i did take offense to it. You can say i dont agree with democratic politics but dont insult it. After all it is what started america (a democracy). And i am sorry about the 13 year old comment, but i hope you can see where it was coming from (as most 13 year olds dont know jack about politics. And i shouldnt have commented without knowing you personally and talking to you more.... how about no more commenting on people other thent he candidates and no more harmful comments on political parties, just intelligent comments.

Obama 08!!!

thats all i wanted to hear i am sorry too and i forgive you and i ask for your forgiveness
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