Well i got the chest piece all sorted thank you judge i'm just configuring it to fit A4

not a problem i can do that part but thank you for simplifying it
packs the same though i'm afraid doesn't seem to like the change haha ^^
@Tango : Ah i didn't know that thanks for letting me know.
Also i know people don't like to fibreglass and i'm probably the person picking the hardest way to do this. But i know how we would all like to be able to not fibreglass and the armour be as tough as nails wouldn't we? Well i know some people who would like to be able to make pep pieces then clay over them so they can slush cast but can't as the weight of putting clay on the model warps it. Well i think i found a way.
I'm going to try a test run first on a Space Marine shoulder file.
Theres a product called jesmondite which i use. It is a powder, resin and thixotrope i think it's called and you can coat on the inside and outside of pep pieces with a paintbrush i use, i would recommend doing it slowly and in thin layers so only a small amount needs to be mixed. As you don't want the pep piece to warp. You can then apply it outside the pep piece if you choose to depends. Then you can affix your clay in a small layer and sculpt it following the shape of the pep. Then you can mould and slush cast i was thinking. Or you could jesmondite the outside and inside for more strength then you would have to sand bondo and fill and sand and curse and eventually get it all smooth. Then you have a completed piece. So far i know it's avaiable in the uk but i think it can be shipped internationally. Also it's non toxic
Strength Test