Fair enough. I was just thinking the same thing. Real life has been getting in the way of what is supposed to be "slow but steady work to avoid 'con crunch' in the last week." It's just so easy to look at the countdown and think...Any updates!
They had a special suit made just for that scene.
Love your attitude and the work you produce! Well thank you for sharing all your steps and what you find out. It is immensely helpful to all of us! Ill be sure to retun the favor when i get a bit closer with my armor. I am still persevering with the galactic armory infinity model. I have made alot of digital modifications to add strap loops and such. I bought a thinned down version on cgtrader, but when i checked them out they werent much lighter than the bulkier galactic armory version which was surprising. I think the weight for me is in the walls of the model when printed and not really in the infill.Thanks. I have all the specials, YouTubes and behind-the-scenes that I'm aware of on my home server so I can scrub them as needed. View attachment 333595
And far more screen captures than I should admit to, considering how much time they total in frame-by-frame scrubbing, dissecting and annotating.
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As cosplayers we don't have the luxuries the show does. We don't have their budget. And we don't get to say "Hey, let me take off this version of the suit and put on the other without the zipper" 3 times during the convention day.
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Nor do we have a team of attendants getting us bathroom ready should the need arise. In many ways the cosplay community has to be *more* creative than the show production team since our suits have to hold up to live scrutiny sometimes closer than a meter distant to our audience.
That's what I love about cosplay, and cosplayers - Such an imaginative group of problem solvers that have to find a way to achieve up close what people are told to see through their screens. It reminds me of why I think close-up magicians are so much more talented than the big-names that perform on stage with the benefit of advance setup, rigging and distance. The magician on the sidewalk has to make it work up close, with no re-takes and that's what cosplayers do.
The printed morph suit is so smart! Just a shame bathroom breaks become much more difficult
I gotta wonder if the heat is worth the limited amount that peeks out under the armor. By the time you're armored up its just the stomach and lower back that's going to show these contours.I know this might be a bit too warm for your bit of the world, but i found this padded shirt to fit quite nicely under the armor and adds a bit of muscle physique definition:
HK Army Crash Chest Protector
There are more expensive options that work even better but this paintball armor was within by budget
How do you study/get all the details for your costume?
As am I!!I'm digging it