Build 2 - MK-VI gen-3. With some silver timeline influence

Sorry to hear you didn't make your deadline. It is amazing how much you accomplished in that time though. No way I could do even with no sleep. You got a few more months now to enjoy the process. Can't wait to see the final armor.
[One piece chest gang]
I'm being picky and I admit it. I like breathing... So I tweaked the width at the rib cage and re-printed. PETG.
For right off the printer, strings, blobs and warts still visible... Maybe 20 mins of clean up needed still... Yeah, I'll take it.
Next I will send the back since all the attachment points changed when I stretched the ribs out.

No rushed paint this time which was another factor. I can take more time for multi-layer chipping effects etc.



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Continuing on from the last post....
When last we looked it was a chest plate with no paint.

38 days to #Supanova Brisbane.
Sand, prime, [repeat]
We will prevail.
Yeah I know, you saw a new chest piece a couple weeks back while rushing to finish for ComicCon. Well... this is the next (last?) new chest because I like to be able to breath. A bit of tweaking to the width at the ribs did WONDERS for fit and comfort. Since I'm not hyped up caffeine and racing for an impossible deadline I can take the time to do it really right.

So there was sanding until it looked pretty good. Then a light dusting of primer to highlight all the issues, pits and so on. A spot filled here and there. Sanded. And another primer. And final photos of the day before loosing all the sun light.



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Chest update.
Have been working on the under suit so this part has been on the back burner-ish with slow sand, paint, let cure for a couple days, cycle.
I'll have to make due, I guess. ;)
This will cure a few days before the next coat.
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Very smooth looking and i know what you mean i have made three chests and the fourth on is on the printer i get pinches here and there i tryed sanding the areas but still a pinch so i did like you twiked it in the lower part of the front chest and i hope mine will fit good.
Paint has dried enough to bring in from the paint shed. The wet paint ripples have self-leveled a bit. Yeah... I'll take it.
I'll let this cure a few days before moving forward. So that means back to the under suit.
{...} i get pinches here and there i tried sanding the areas but still a pinch so i did like you tweaked it in the lower part of the front chest and i hope mine will fit good.
Being a buff stud that doesn't fit the slender body types is just a burden we'll both have to bear. Hahahaha :D


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Paint has dried enough to bring in from the paint shed. The wet paint ripples have self-leveled a bit. Yeah... I'll take it.
I'll let this cure a few days before moving forward. So that means back to the under suit.

Being a buff stud that doesn't fit the slender body types is just a burden we'll both have to bear. Hahahaha :D
i guess it is a burden we will just have to bear if i must i must ha ha ha. dude that chest is the cats meow i felt my heart skip a beat. great job on it.
Paint has dried enough to bring in from the paint shed. The wet paint ripples have self-leveled a bit. Yeah... I'll take it.
I'll let this cure a few days before moving forward. So that means back to the under suit.

Being a buff stud that doesn't fit the slender body types is just a burden we'll both have to bear. Hahahaha :D
Holy mother of shiny! That looks incredible! Glad you’re able to take your time now, it’s gonna turn out great!
Turned out to be pretty good timing. While the chest paint cures the next 3-4 days, the mating one-piece back just finished.
Another tortuous day outside pulling supports and cleaning this part up. I guess I'll get it to the same state as the chest, then I can do the following stages on both simultaneously.


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Turned out to be pretty good timing. While the chest paint cures the next 3-4 days, the mating one-piece back just finished.
Another tortuous day outside pulling supports and cleaning this part up. I guess I'll get it to the same state as the chest, then I can do the following stages on both simultaneously.
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what kind of printer do you have that can print the back in one shot? i might have to get one of those or did you build your printer custom?
what kind of printer do you have that can print the back in one shot? i might have to get one of those or did you build your printer custom?
Its a very heavily upgraded/modded CR10s-5 which is no longer in production. I guess you could say its someplace between bought and built. You see them occasionally for resale in the gray market (ebay, marketplace etc.) but I'm always leery when someone is selling an older machine because it makes me think they've used it the point of dysfunctionality or they wouldn't be selling it. I saw a stock one the other day out of ... Wales(?) asking 1,100 euros.

All up there's about US$2,000 in that printer. So buying one one just for the few parts of armor that are too big for a current day printer is kinda like buying a cow because you want milk on your morning cereal. For most people its just a lot easier and cheaper in the long run to print the smaller parts at home and outsource the 1-3 things that are just too big to do at home. For example to (my shop for full transparency)
Its a very heavily upgraded/modded CR10s-5 which is no longer in production. I guess you could say its someplace between bought and built. You see them occasionally for resale in the gray market (ebay, marketplace etc.) but I'm always leery when someone is selling an older machine because it makes me think they've used it the point of dysfunctionality or they wouldn't be selling it. I saw a stock one the other day out of ... Wales(?) asking 1,100 euros.

All up there's about US$2,000 in that printer. So buying one one just for the few parts of armor that are too big for a current day printer is kinda like buying a cow because you want milk on your morning cereal. For most people its just a lot easier and cheaper in the long run to print the smaller parts at home and outsource the 1-3 things that are just too big to do at home. For example to (my shop for full transparency)
thank you for the info. i will be watching because i want to see the finished armor.
Work on the back piece.
Work on the under armor.
This is about 90 minutes of sanding with 1 coat of primer in between and a second on top. I'll keep working it another day so it matches the gloss of the chest plate posted earlier.

Armor is the MK-VI from @caminus_prime

One piece back (no glue & seaming) done by @starbase3d
Work on the back piece.
Work on the under armor.
This is about 90 minutes of sanding with 1 coat of primer in between and a second on top. I'll keep working it another day so it matches the gloss of the chest plate posted earlier.

Armor is the MK-VI from @caminus_prime

One piece back (no glue & seaming) done by @starbase3d
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this picture at the bottom of your post is that the front and back held up on you to show how it fit? if so i would say you are dead on track with this one you should have a lot more movement in your armor that way. it is looking so dang sharp i cant wait to get the back off the printer so i can see if it gives me better range of movement.
this picture at the bottom of your post is that the front and back held up on you to show how it fit? if so i would say you are dead on track with this one you should have a lot more movement in your armor that way.

Yep. The side view shows the joins between front and back. I'm pretty happy with it, so far.
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