Build 2 - MK-VI gen-3. With some silver timeline influence

Looking amazing! Wow your painting process is intense. I am not sold on the chipping method myself. I know it adds realism but man does it make the painting process that much longer and intense. And you definitely dont want to make any mistakes.

How the hell do you get your leg into that shin piece?! I have mine detach so i can slide my foot in and even that is a pain.

Everyone has there own different yet equally valid views and preferences. The person that does all dry brushing is happy with their results. The person that does 5 layers and masking and chipping is happy with their results. Me, I like results like this one I did for someone.

I can say "I like the dimensionality of layered chipping. It holds up even close up." And that's my truth.
But the person that says: "I'm only wearing it one day a year at a convention. The guy taking a photo from 4 meters away isn't going to see any difference" is just as right. And the next person will look at the same part above that I like and say "Its not enough. I like to have at least 15% of the color coat worn away back to silver because my character has more years of combat on them."-And they're just as right.
You just have to find what you like and what's the right technique for you that makes you happy.

> How the hell do you get your leg into that shin piece?!
  • I put on the thigh and slide that up.
  • I point my toes down, slide the shin over my foot, twist the part a bit here and there. And its on.
  • Then put on the boot. I slide the shin down so the flared ankle of the shin goes over the top of my combat boot and it rides on that.
I didn't think this was anything unusual but you're the 3rd or 4th person to say something to me along the lines of "how do you just slide that on? - is it massively loose so you can do this?" etc. I'm kinda surprised about the attention this one part is getting, but I'm starting to think I need to make a video showing it going on and how it fits just to satisfy folks curiosity.
It was a really nice day out today so...
Sanding. My hand still feels like the orbital sander is in my hand and going.
Chest, back, shins all sanded through a few grits. Chest, and back got some filler treatments. Chest re-sanded and primed. Not a bad day all in all.
It was a really nice day out today so...
Sanding. My hand still feels like the orbital sander is in my hand and going.
Chest, back, shins all sanded through a few grits. Chest, and back got some filler treatments. Chest re-sanded and primed. Not a bad day all in all.
View attachment 335239
Nice! That looks like a 3D model that makes putting together the armor easier unlike the Galactic Armory ones.
Monday, 11sep2023

Starting point this morning:

  • Boots worked to being ready for first base/color coat tomorrow.
  • Shins, thighs, cod/belt/bum, forearms - several rounds of sand/prime/repeat.
    Should be hand sand then first base/color coat tomorrow.
  • Shoulders - Sand through coarse grits and first prime just to bring out where more attention is needed.
  • Bicepts - Ready for priming already, just didn't get there today.
  • Chest & back - nothing today


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Tuesday down.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Convention day.
Yeah... uhhh... No problem.

Anything that's dark grey was today.
Boots, shins, thighs, belt, cod, shoulders.
Tomorrow will have to be final fill and primers for some, and color starts tomorrow on others.

IMG_6815 (1).jpeg

Your prints are so impressively and uniformly smooth. You have the whole sanding and primering down to a science.
One day, two night...
No, not a cheap last minute cruise ship deal. Its how much time I have until #comicconbrisbane .
First color on everything.
'Blocking' for chipping effect on everything.
Second color on some.
I hate the idea of masking tape on this stuff in under 48 hours of paint curing, but I'm going to have to risk it tomorrow morning.
This copper is a shade less orange-y than the other suit. But at 1/5th the price, its a 'fast dry' graffiti artist paint and I don't have to special order this color, I think I'll live.
Now back to work!
dude I thought you said no con crunching this time XD
Looking great!! But man your timeline is tight
dude I thought you said no con crunching this time XD
Looking great!! But man your timeline is tight
Well... Its not exactly 'con crunch'. My actual timeframe is for Supanova Brisbane, in November.
So for that deadline I have two months.

I had no idea there even was a ComicCon Brisbane until about 10 days ago when someone brought it up on Facebook. Then like some kind of fool I set ComicCon as a goal for a "shakedown" event. Completely crazy thing to do, but nobody including myself ever said I was sane.
1530hrs the day before the convention

Getting to that time of the day where I have to start making hard choices about not letting 'great' stand in the way of 'good enough for tomorrow'. It doesn't matter how good the paint is if it isn't strapped and wearable.

After a couple layers of tape & paint, each layer protecting the layer below its time to pull all the tape and see where I am. Just pulling the masking tape has (of course) pulled some of the paint blocking so some of the chipping is showing up.

Not sure if I got the intended 'dirty air intake' for the two ports on the back panel, or if it just looks like some messy paint application.



#comicconbrisbane #comiccon #concrunch #halo #haloreach #reach #haloinfinite #infinite #3DPrint #3dprinting #cosplay #cosplaying #405th #markvi #mjolnir #mjolnirarmor #halospartan #3dprintedarmor #halocosplay

0100hrs -Yep... FAILED...
to get it ready enough to be worn for ComicCon.
I said it would either be great or not... and well... Trying to get it done 60 days ahead of schedule was just too ambitious.

What's done is good. There's just too much not done. Its not like I can wear 60% of an armor. I'm just not showing up with the entire back just flat black and rushing through everything remaining on the list, just to have a first wear being at the convention. That's a recipe for disaster or at least humiliation.
Sorry to hear that, but at least now you can take your time with it, I honestly thought you had it in the bag lol! What will you wear instead?
Sorry to hear that, but at least now you can take your time with it, I honestly thought you had it in the bag lol! What will you wear instead?
I have a couple different Battlestar Galactica (Flight suit and dress blues), Klingon, and Martian Marine Corps dress greys hanging in the closet. But I've decided to not go to the convention. No sense throwing good money after bad by adding gas, parking, food, inevitable shopping, on top of the ticket price - plus wasting the rest of the day being in a bad mood.

I got maybe 4 hours of bad sleep between all the caffeine and my brain not turning off, constantly turning over options and trying to find a path toward making it work. My mind just kept spiraling. I don't need to inflict myself on others the way I'm feeling. Plus I've been a bit of an absentee member of the family for this past week. Adding another day to that while leaving everything here a mess just to go play without having achieved my goal isn't an ethical thing to do. Better to clean and reset, take care of those things around the house I've let go this past week and try to make it up to the fam.
You did well to give it a go mate. It's good that your putting family time above going to a con. Best of luck for finishing all the little details and other things before your original goal.
Well... Its not exactly 'con crunch'. My actual timeframe is for Supanova Brisbane, in November.
So for that deadline I have two months.

I had no idea there even was a ComicCon Brisbane until about 10 days ago when someone brought it up on Facebook. Then like some kind of fool I set ComicCon as a goal for a "shakedown" event. Completely crazy thing to do, but nobody including myself ever said I was sane.
Man, 60 days in advance would be really tough XD
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