Build-A-Spartan with OFiveTwo!

What armor do you want to see me make?!

  • Mk. VII

    Votes: 8 12.1%
  • MK VI

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • MK V(b)

    Votes: 19 28.8%
  • MK IV

    Votes: 7 10.6%

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • ODST

    Votes: 16 24.2%

    Votes: 5 7.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
chest is on standby till i can find a way to print it on 250mm^3 but tuning scaling on leg armor and I am pretty much done printing!


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Curious how you ended up printing the chest. I also have a small printing area and am looking at four pieces for the front and four for the back.
I sliced it into 8 pieces to fit on my printer, 4 back pieces, 4 front, which sucks, but I found if I use brim for bed adhesion and tree supports, my success rate of prints skyrocketed and dropped a lot of time. I also had to slice the thigh armor into 8 pieces, which just came out great lol. I also have a friend printing the chest too since he has a bigger printer and his will probably be better quality, but I wanted to try it myself as well.
I sliced it into 8 pieces to fit on my printer, 4 back pieces, 4 front, which sucks, but I found if I use brim for bed adhesion and tree supports, my success rate of prints skyrocketed and dropped a lot of time. I also had to slice the thigh armor into 8 pieces, which just came out great lol. I also have a friend printing the chest too since he has a bigger printer and his will probably be better quality, but I wanted to try it myself as well.
I am attempting the same. Gonna take almost a day each!
whats yalls recommendation for gluing pieces together? don't want my suit falling apart mid con lol
Depends on the material, for pla I hear some people use plastic epoxy with super glue. I'm making mine in asa so I use gorilla glue gel on the seams then abs glue on the interior for additional strength.
I ended up splitting mine in 4 sections to fit on my bambu printer, going to use bondo putty for any gaps or warped section.
Same though it was difficult to epoxy all the pieces together and I have a 1/4 inch gap at the bottom of my chest plate now from the pieces warping from heat lol but I might be able to fix it with bondo idk.
whats yalls recommendation for gluing pieces together? don't want my suit falling apart mid con lol
I use standard super glue (cyanoacrylate) with the accelerator. Once the two pieces are welded, I will put a reinforcing line on the inside seam. Keep in mind, super glue isn't very strong if there are gaps between the pieces so you shouldn't use it unless you have good contact points.
Same though it was difficult to epoxy all the pieces together and I have a 1/4 inch gap at the bottom of my chest plate now from the pieces warping from heat lol but I might be able to fix it with bondo idk.
If the gap truly is that big (1/4" is about the width of a standard pencil), Bondo might not be sufficient (especially not the stuff that comes in a tube). Filler works best if there's something to support it. If you have a soldering iron, you can carefully melt some scrap PLA or PETG (whichever you printed the parts with) into that gap to fill it, which you can sand flush and then spot fill with Bondo.
If the gap truly is that big (1/4" is about the width of a standard pencil), Bondo might not be sufficient (especially not the stuff that comes in a tube). Filler works best if there's something to support it. If you have a soldering iron, you can carefully melt some scrap PLA or PETG (whichever you printed the parts with) into that gap to fill it, which you can sand flush and then spot fill with Bondo.
I don't have a soldering iron but I can try and possibly heat the place where it is warped and try and un-warp it but I might just need to grab a soldering iron if that doesn't work.
I don't have a soldering iron but I can try and possibly heat the place where it is warped and try and un-warp it but I might just need to grab a soldering iron if that doesn't work.
You’ll want to use a soldering iron because it’s a precise way to apply the heat, as opposed to something like a heat gun which can warp the entire part.
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