Build-A-Spartan with OFiveTwo!

What armor do you want to see me make?!

  • Mk. VII

    Votes: 8 12.1%
  • MK VI

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • MK V(b)

    Votes: 19 28.8%
  • MK IV

    Votes: 7 10.6%

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • ODST

    Votes: 16 24.2%

    Votes: 5 7.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
YOOOOO! HOWD I ONLY FIND THIS NOW. I restarted my Mark Vb about a week ago and this just got me hyped up to continue along the train. Everyone's progress looks so good! Let's do this together!
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I've got both arms done printing and most of my chest! I actually accidentally made the biceps too big at first lol
Not gonna lie, I'm surprised with how well I can still move my arms with everything so far
Heya gang! Sorry for leaving you all hanging, I'm sorta "all printers on deck" to finish my con-crunch.
Did OFiveTwo bite off more that he can chew? Potentially.
Am I gonna pull off some serious sorcery to get everything done? You better believe it!

As all my printers are currently clocked to the max, I'm on hold for making more of my Mk V(b) suit right now, but this does not mean you gotta stop your progress! I'll have a more formal right-up for the next steps before I publish episode 3, but the next thing we're gonna tackle is BICEPS and *general print tips and troubleshooting*!
If things are going well so far, I encourage you to try out one or both of the biceps! Remember to double check your measurements on these, and also pay attention to the inside of the model! Sometimes the interior adds quite a bit of material, and what may appear to fit on the outside can actually be an uncomfortably tight fit on the inside!

Also, do yourself a favor and flex your biceps a little when doing your measurements. You can always add padding if they feel too loose, but I'd hate to see someone split open a bicep piece from flexing their Spartan muscles.

Seriously, it happens.

Anywho, thank you guys for your patience with me for this tutorial! Balancing con-crunch, content creation, and life in general is crazy, and we're trying to do our best. (I'm also looking for a video editor to take some work off my plate, if ya know a guy ;) )

Next episode coming soon!
Happy Printing!
Looking forward to it! I was falling behind anyway because of some other stuff going on so this gives me some catch up time ;)
ive got it mocked up with temporary straps. i think after a lot of tweaking its goint to look and fit awesome.
View attachment 345868

I got mine printed out too and playing around a little bit with magnets. Haven't made a final decision yet to use them or go with an elastic band. To hold the bicep to the tricep peice for my build.


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Heya gang! Sorry for leaving you all hanging, I'm sorta "all printers on deck" to finish my con-crunch.
Did OFiveTwo bite off more that he can chew? Potentially.
Am I gonna pull off some serious sorcery to get everything done? You better believe it!

As all my printers are currently clocked to the max, I'm on hold for making more of my Mk V(b) suit right now, but this does not mean you gotta stop your progress! I'll have a more formal right-up for the next steps before I publish episode 3, but the next thing we're gonna tackle is BICEPS and *general print tips and troubleshooting*!
If things are going well so far, I encourage you to try out one or both of the biceps! Remember to double check your measurements on these, and also pay attention to the inside of the model! Sometimes the interior adds quite a bit of material, and what may appear to fit on the outside can actually be an uncomfortably tight fit on the inside!

Also, do yourself a favor and flex your biceps a little when doing your measurements. You can always add padding if they feel too loose, but I'd hate to see someone split open a bicep piece from flexing their Spartan muscles.

Seriously, it happens.

Anywho, thank you guys for your patience with me for this tutorial! Balancing con-crunch, content creation, and life in general is crazy, and we're trying to do our best. (I'm also looking for a video editor to take some work off my plate, if ya know a guy ;) )

Next episode coming soon!
Happy Printing!
Hey 052, I might know a guy for your editing if you still need that help! I look forward to seeing the next episode! I am currently still working out my own printer kinks and still on the second assignment of forearms.
I’m starting on the sanding for most of the finished printed parts now but haven’t gotten to try everything on at the same time because I don’t have a good methods of putting the front and back chest plate pieces together. Should I be attaching the front and back chest pieces with clips(on the tops of the shoulders and where they connect at the sides) or is there a better way to do it since I’m worried about the possibility of the pieces not fitting uniformly together.
As for the shoulders and biceps what’s the best/easiest way to connect those? Magnets? Elastic straps? Velcro? I’ve seen a bunch of different methods but I’m not sure what works best. Sorry for all the questions!
About to start on the legs and lower half of the armor but I was thinking about trying to add some height to my suit to make me a bit taller since I'm not in any close rage of spartan-like haha, but does anyone have some tips on that? I'm not looking for anything too large or complicated like stilts or anything just something that could boost it a bit maybe like 5 or so inches?
I have seen some stuff about lifts and what not but I was thinking if there was some way I could combine those with a small unnoticeable platform shoe or something since the lifts can only go up to 3" max and can be hard to do with some shoes.
Anyways any tips or stuff on this y'all know?
About to start on the legs and lower half of the armor but I was thinking about trying to add some height to my suit to make me a bit taller since I'm not in any close rage of spartan-like haha, but does anyone have some tips on that? I'm not looking for anything too large or complicated like stilts or anything just something that could boost it a bit maybe like 5 or so inches?
I have seen some stuff about lifts and what not but I was thinking if there was some way I could combine those with a small unnoticeable platform shoe or something since the lifts can only go up to 3" max and can be hard to do with some shoes.
Anyways any tips or stuff on this y'all know?
I got 4" lift shoes from If you want a deal, do to the clearance section. If you have a common foot size you will probably find an old style they're trying to get rid of for half off. I find my shoes to be very comfortable and stable. I can wear them for over 9 hours and not have any foot pain. It's easy enough to make the armour go over top. They're not noticeable unless you're looking for them, so they won't take away from the look of your suit. I like that I bought actual shoes because they have proper tread on the bottom and have proper support for my feet. I've heard folks who get inserts or add foam to the bottom of their regular shoes often have problems with ergonomics
Honestly, I would love to make a Mark IV suit one day! I have been wanting to do that ever since I played Halo Wars for the first time. Do you happen to know which green paint would match Jerome-092's armor color or just a Generic Spartan II color (as seen in Halo Infinite preferrably)? Thanks!
Honestly, I would love to make a Mark IV suit one day! I have been wanting to do that ever since I played Halo Wars for the first time. Do you happen to know which green paint would match Jerome-092's armor color or just a Generic Spartan II color (as seen in Halo Infinite preferrably)? Thanks!
I've seen a lot of people use different paints and stuff but I saw someone use Krylon Colormaxx Italian Olive Satin spray paint for one of those if not a Master Chief suit! I think it was someone from Impact Props Live channel they interviewed if you want to see what it looks like on a suit of armor.
…and maybe give me a hug.
If you make it down to DragonCon Atlanta over labor day weekend I'll give you a big ol hug.

I got 4" lift shoes from If you want a deal, do to the clearance section. If you have a common foot size you will probably find an old style they're trying to get rid of for half off. I find my shoes to be very comfortable and stable. I can wear them for over 9 hours and not have any foot pain. It's easy enough to make the armour go over top. They're not noticeable unless you're looking for them, so they won't take away from the look of your suit. I like that I bought actual shoes because they have proper tread on the bottom and have proper support for my feet. I've heard folks who get inserts or add foam to the bottom of their regular shoes often have problems with ergonomics
Might look at these, I'm already 6'4", and I'm using old but comfortable work boots plus added a piece of EVA to the bottom (mainly to keep the foot armor together around the shoe) which gives me a bit more lift, plus the added helmet height.

Maybe I should get myself measured while in full armor to see how close to Chief's 7' height in armor?
I've seen a lot of people use different paints and stuff but I saw someone use Krylon Colormaxx Italian Olive Satin spray paint for one of those if not a Master Chief suit! I think it was someone from Impact Props Live channel they interviewed if you want to see what it looks like on a suit of armor.
I used Rustoleum oregano first, then hit with some acrylics from michaels. I cover the painting in this thread and some videos on youtube

Silver Chief build , Chief Build part 1 - Painting
Three things about this

1. Task Failed Sucessfully
2. When your Supports Take Themselves Off
3. Why?

This genuinely has me wondering what is going on. The piece printed great aside from a little of the noodle-y bits where the support fell off( it is still usable though!) Stuff like the supports failing but the piece coming out great is something weird that has just started happened recently to a few prints after switching filament brands and I think that’s the reason but I’m curious what about that makes just the supports fail or something
Three things about this
View attachment 346754
1. Task Failed Sucessfully
2. When your Supports Take Themselves Off
3. Why?

This genuinely has me wondering what is going on. The piece printed great aside from a little of the noodle-y bits where the support fell off( it is still usable though!) Stuff like the supports failing but the piece coming out great is something weird that has just started happened recently to a few prints after switching filament brands and I think that’s the reason but I’m curious what about that makes just the supports fail or something
Yeah this is why I use brims now
Brims at a minimum, I myself have even done more rafts these days. I'd rather use up the filament and time than constantly have failed prints half way through
Currently trying to connect all of the chest plate and helmet pieces together and it's doing pretty well for the most part, but the epoxy(I'm using JB Weld 5 min epoxy) doesn't fully cure? I'm not sure. It sets in around 5 minuets and is supposed to cure in an hour though I left it out over night(with tape over it to hold it together to help it set in place) and can still wiggle the pieces slightly but not so much that it's breaking it or anything.

Is there any other glue that possibly fixes this issue or is it normal? I'm going to wait to see if it eventually fully hardens in another day or two with no wiggle to put bondo on and start sanding again.
Currently trying to connect all of the chest plate and helmet pieces together and it's doing pretty well for the most part, but the epoxy(I'm using JB Weld 5 min epoxy) doesn't fully cure? I'm not sure. It sets in around 5 minuets and is supposed to cure in an hour though I left it out over night(with tape over it to hold it together to help it set in place) and can still wiggle the pieces slightly but not so much that it's breaking it or anything.

Is there any other glue that possibly fixes this issue or is it normal? I'm going to wait to see if it eventually fully hardens in another day or two with no wiggle to put bondo on and start sanding

I'm printing mine in asa and using abs glue, I don't know if it will work on pla or other materials but it works great on asa. Before that I was using gorilla glue gel on the seems to hold the peices together then used jb weld plastic and that seemed to be strong enough.
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