C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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please update the boots on the ground for ODCA
Sorry had to edit this post: i will be there for C2E2 but have never been to or stayed in chicago, so i was wandering if there will be a block of hotel rooms for this event if not if some one needs someone to share the cost of the room i would be planning on being there friday to sunday leaving sunday evening after everything is done.
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In talks with my better half to figure out if we can swing it with our 10yr anniversary trip also this year. If I do get extra money get money before then we might be able to come out, but the only thing is hotel situation that we're unsure of.
Confirmed boots on the ground

I'll be purchasing my badge this week (waiting on a paycheck)

In regards to hotels... Anyone got room for ya boy to squeeze in?
Let me check with my group! We may have an extra spot.
Confirmed boots on the ground

I'll be purchasing my badge this week (waiting on a paycheck)

In regards to hotels... Anyone got room for ya boy to squeeze in?
I still haven't figured out where I am going to be staying yet. If I end up getting a hotel room I'd welcome others to share.
I have not yet reserved a room, but I do need a place to crash. If anyone got the opening or wants to get a room started let me know
Taking a look at the list of confirmed attendees and it looks like we've got like 7 of the regiments participating for this year.

Midwest (obviously)
South western
And I believe I heard someone from the European regiment.
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