C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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Everyone, We have a ton of people going so far and we need to plan whos staying with who Thursday and Sunday night in terms of coming to town and carpooling to the city. I have plenty of space for people to sleep at my house (to eliminate having to pay an extra night at the hotel) but I am limited to 6 cars parked at my place for the weekend while we car pool into the city on Friday. Please carpool if you can and account for eachothers armor crates.

I would like to pick a date either in February or March for a discord call (so please tell me what everyone prefers) in order to plan travel iteneraries and coordinate whos going with who and picking up our international guests from the airport/ other US regiments. Please post your travel plans here on the forum and I will gather the information in a spreadsheet prior to the meeting. The earlier I get this information the better so everyone is comfortable and prepared beforehand!

Please also include if you are booking a room, who is staying with you, if you are open to roommates or if you are solo rooming, or if you will be commuting. We want to cover all of our bases here!
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Also if you are carpooling to my place please let me know who you are driving with so I can get a head count.

We also need to know if you are flying in and if you have a car figured out/ who needs an airport pickup (please coordinate that beforehand)
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i have a 10 min walk from my room at the Jaslin hotel so im good on room wise i tried to get a room to hold a couple more people but said they were sold out for those dates but im good. i have a 3day pass so im all set..

C2 is my local con, so I will be commuting from my house. Unfortunately, we don't have much in the way of guest accommodations, and given that my parents are going with me, I won't be able to carpool with anyone (especially since our car is pretty small and would have trouble accepting 2 armor crates). Sorry that I can't be of much help for those traveling into the city.
I'm still not sure if I'm going to drive up Thu, in which case I'd like to take you up on the offer to crash at your place that night, Monker, or wait until Fri. If I drive up Thu then I should be able to fit 1-2 other people in my car with crates depending on crate sizes to carpool to the convention center and hotels. I will be driving back to MO Sunday though, so I wouldn't be able to take people back on Sunday.

I have a room at the Hyatt w/ 3 others.
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Still havent booked my hotel but I've got 3 in it already. Just due to my drive I probably wont get in till early friday morning. Hotel I'm looking at is about 1.75 miles away so I'll have my car to help transport others who are in a similar situation with hotel distance. I can fit upto 2 crates and 2 passengers at the same time.
flight plans (as of right now)
i would arrive on chicago o'hare airport the 25th, at 6:45pm + about 1 hour for customs (i have no idea how much it would actually take)
so lets say... i could be picked up at... 8pm?

for departure on the 29th, my flight would either leave at 2:10 am or 6:55 am, but i would need to be dropped off about 2 to 3 hours earlier, since its an international flight... so... say midnight or 4/5ish am
havent bought plane tickets yet, so that can be determined with whoever could yeet me at the airport, so the timing is better
Current plans for me are to pick up Kae and drive up on that Thursday and drive back Monday.

Scheduling wise I could probably plan to pass by Ohare at 8PM and pick up ODCA and if he’s flying in at a similar time Wendi as well since it’s on the way to Monker’s.

If you have room, I’d love a spot to stay Thursday and Sunday night Spidermonkey60.

During the con I have a room at the Hyatt, but I believe I’ve got enough people to fill it now.
Current plans for me are to pick up Kae and drive up on that Thursday and drive back Monday.

Scheduling wise I could probably plan to pass by Ohare at 8PM and pick up ODCA and if he’s flying in at a similar time Wendi as well since it’s on the way to Monker’s.

If you have room, I’d love a spot to stay Thursday and Sunday night Spidermonkey60.

During the con I have a room at the Hyatt, but I believe I’ve got enough people to fill it now.
Who is staying with you and were you also able to get Wendi?
Current plans for me are to pick up Kae and drive up on that Thursday and drive back Monday.

Scheduling wise I could probably plan to pass by Ohare at 8PM and pick up ODCA and if he’s flying in at a similar time Wendi as well since it’s on the way to Monker’s.

If you have room, I’d love a spot to stay Thursday and Sunday night Spidermonkey60.

During the con I have a room at the Hyatt, but I believe I’ve got enough people to fill it now.
i'll shave one leg to stick it out on the street to get picked up
Ok so I got a notice that the room I had at the jaslin hotel was a one person only but they said I could up grade to a room with two twin beds, is any one need a place I need to know before 1/10 because I lose it after that. I don't want to up grade if it's only me in the room here is a picture of where the hotel is to the mcCormic center


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I plan on driving/flying to Illinois on Wednesday or Thursday, staying with my father. While he does not have accommodations for sleeping, his home has about four main areas folks could set up air mattress/cots for sleeping. We can condense and utilize his van for mass transportation of crates/equipment and then transit from an hour south to Andrews or to the con. Unsure of my mode of transportation to his home as of yet.

Also keep in mind I have updated the voting for food options to reflect being only catering. I'd anyone has any other catering/potluck suggestions I am open to it
Everyone, We have a ton of people going so far and we need to plan whos staying with who Thursday and Sunday night in terms of coming to town and carpooling to the city. I have plenty of space for people to sleep at my house (to eliminate having to pay an extra night at the hotel) but I am limited to 6 cars parked at my place for the weekend while we car pool into the city on Friday. Please carpool if you can and account for eachothers armor crates.

I would like to pick a date either in February or March for a discord call (so please tell me what everyone prefers) in order to plan travel iteneraries and coordinate whos going with who and picking up our international guests from the airport/ other US regiments. Please post your travel plans here on the forum and I will gather the information in a spreadsheet prior to the meeting. The earlier I get this information the better so everyone is comfortable and prepared beforehand!

Please also include if you are booking a room, who is staying with you, if you are open to roommates or if you are solo rooming, or if you will be commuting. We want to cover all of our bases here!
SpartanSweed and I are working on carpool arrangements for the KC peeps. Hoping to pack everyone in two cars but I'm not convinced. We're going to do a test run for packing while we're all at the boulevard event. I think we currently have 5 of us: Sweed, me, Cherri, Oddball, and Erne
SpartanSweed and I are working on carpool arrangements for the KC peeps. Hoping to pack everyone in two cars but I'm not convinced. We're going to do a test run for packing while we're all at the boulevard event. I think we currently have 5 of us: Sweed, me, Cherri, Oddball, and Erne
You guys are welcome to pit stop and load up equipment into my truck in Minooka, IL and we can all go up to Monkers from there. It's a hour from his place and folks can safely keep their cars in the neighborhood as needed. It's a big ole van that we fit almost 6 people's full kits in before.
Ok so I got a notice that the room I had at the jaslin hotel was a one person only but they said I could up grade to a room with two twin beds, is any one need a place I need to know before 1/10 because I lose it after that. I don't want to up grade if it's only me in the room here is a picture of where the hotel is to the mcCormic center
I might be able to split the room with you. How long is it reserved for? Are you planning to walk to the con daily?
I might be able to split the room with you. How long is it reserved for? Are you planning to walk to the con daily?
I have the room from Thursday at 3pm till Sunday at 11am. And yes I was planning on walking it says it is a 9 min walk to the center of you want to split the room with me that's great I up graded the room to two double beds. If you want just shoot me a DM and I can fill you in on more
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