C2E2 2024 Info and Roll Call: April 26th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Potluck Choices

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Right now, we get 17 exhibitor passes as requested here is who will be chosen for them

As always this selections is based on prior event participation, staff, out-of-state participants, planned current event participation, and tenure.

- NobleofDeath16
- Spidermonkey60
- SSGLordErne
- JTF4
- Angus314
- CherriDragon (Updated from OFiveTwo, who has a Creators Pass)
- Fallen
- Wayward Flood
- nerdman234
- BobRossIsMaDad
- unfit armory
- CrimsonViper97
- KGSupreme
- SSGLordBert

Now. The main concern I see coming up: "what if I have already purchased a pass?" No fret! We have some options in that case. I can either re-elect the exhibitor pass I am offering to you (should to number requested be honored). Or you can take the exhibitor, and give your C2E2 pass to another member! They aren't very strict about passes once you have yours, they don't look really any different from eachothers and vendors just glance to make sure you have one. So be generous and kind to others. Let's start figuring out here who needs a pass still and who we can lend a helping hand to!

We appreciate your participation in this event and contributions this coming year and prior. Being given an exhibitor pass comes with multiple expectations:

- You are a pillar of our presence at the event. Members may come to you with questions, or you may be looked upon for superb outreach capability for the 405th. Lead by example and with your best foot forward.

- This is a privilege that at anytime, can and will be revoked if abused. That means your pass is only meant explicitly for you. We have one floater pass to cover moving those into build and tear down if needed. Please do not bend the rules of this pass usage for any reason without explicit permission.

-This pass is given with the idea of participation in booth, outreach, and photo op participation. Please make sure you are signed up for slots accordingly to best utilize yourself as an accessory to the 405th's success at this activation.
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So because I will most likely not be hearing back from the event runners until after ECCC, this puts that deadline for the tickets to be shipped in a larger priority. If you need your pass shipped please make sure you purchase before this deadline. Right now, assuming we get 15 exhibitor passes as requested here is who will be chosen for them

As always this selections is based on prior event participation, staff, out-of-state participants, planned current event participation, and tenure.

- NobleofDeath16
- Spidermonkey60
- Cadet
- JTF4
- Angus314
- OFiveTwo
- Fallen
- Wayward Flood
- nerdman234
- BobRossIsMaDad
- unfit armory
- CrimsonViper97
- KGSupreme

Now. The main concern I see coming up: "what if I have already purchased a pass?" No fret! We have some options in that case. I can either re-elect the exhibitor pass I am offering to you (should to number requested be honored). Or you can take the exhibitor, and give your C2E2 pass to another member! They aren't very strict about passes once you have yours, they don't look really any different from eachothers and vendors just glance to make sure you have one. So be generous and kind to others. Let's start figuring out here who needs a pass still and who we can lend a helping hand to!

We appreciate your participation in this event and contributions this coming year and prior. Being given an exhibitor pass comes with multiple expectations:

- You are a pillar of our presence at the event. Members may come to you with questions, or you may be looked upon for superb outreach capability for the 405th. Lead by example and with your best foot forward.

- This is a privilege that at anytime, can and will be revoked if abused. That means your pass is only meant explicitly for you. We have one floater pass to cover moving those into build and tear down if needed. Please do not bend the rules of this pass usage for any reason without explicit permission.

-This pass is given with the idea of participation in booth, outreach, and photo op participation. Please make sure you are signed up for slots accordingly to best utilize yourself as an accessory to the 405th's success at this activation.
I will sign up for every “Monker” slot
I still need to buy my last pass, Though I have no problem picking up one in person.
Hey all,

Here's the link for the booth sign-ups.
Booth Shift Sign Ups

You'll notice fields for Organized Roam to get groups moving about the con floor and getting eyes on our people all around the convention.

There's also pages for what costume(s) and props each person is bringing to help with ideas and organization at the booth. If you're at all interested in getting your deployment photos please check that box so organizers can ensure you get prioritized for those. I've offered to help in taking any deployment photos for those who want them.
While at least a subset of us try to roll for the Photo Challenge Game and take prompted photos, given we have so many people, is there anyone here who'd be interested in trying to do the entire list of 100 photos over the weekend? Assign a handful of photos to each person to account for the solo achievable vs group photos and see how many we can get done over the course of the weekend. No one would be required to participate of course, but for anyone who wants to.
with 50(ish) of us, i think we can absolutely do the 100 on the list :lol:
alright ill be purchasing my flight ticket this Wednesday, and then from there ill get my con ticket, i still have a worry about a place to stay, but id be showing up to O'Hara around 11:58PM Thursday into Friday, if anyone is able to help me figure out transportation from the airport at that unholy hour id appreciate it, if not no worries.
alright ill be purchasing my flight ticket this Wednesday, and then from there ill get my con ticket, i still have a worry about a place to stay, but id be showing up to O'Hara around 11:58PM Thursday into Friday, if anyone is able to help me figure out transportation from the airport at that unholy hour id appreciate it, if not no worries.
I think I can assist with that
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