Canadian Reg (Toronto, ON) - Fan Expo Toronto 2024

Just a heads out, Will and I (Coming from Montreal) have a room at the Intercontinental August 21-26. So Wednesday to Monday. We have 1 spare bed that we HAVE to fill or we can't afford to pay for the room alone. Would there be anybody interested in rooming with us? We'll be driving obviously and might have room for anyone going from Montreal. Only note, Will is very sensitive to noise. So if you snore, please make sure to get nose strips or he won't be able to sleep at all XD I will sleep through anything.
Just a heads out, Will and I (Coming from Montreal) have a room at the Intercontinental August 21-26. So Wednesday to Monday. We have 1 spare bed that we HAVE to fill or we can't afford to pay for the room alone. Would there be anybody interested in rooming with us? We'll be driving obviously and might have room for anyone going from Montreal. Only note, Will is very sensitive to noise. So if you snore, please make sure to get nose strips or he won't be able to sleep at all XD I will sleep through anything.
I’ll need a spot to stay if you guys or anyone else still have room!
After (finally) renewing my passport, and seeing how (relatively) easy it was to get to Canada from where I'm at now...I might be able to make an appearance, depending on work. Presuming I end up going, I'd be glad to help out, Schankerz.
Make sure to fill the form then please :)
Also for everyone that said maybe, please let me know if you comfirn and please make a new reply to the form with the days you can staff! We are prioritizing giving a badge to people who staff the most days if we end up having a limit :)

Also right now, we are lacking in Handlers. If anyone would be willing to possibly become a handler for a chunk of the day, it would help me out a lot please! You can be both a cosplayer and a handler! I will do just that myself :)
Also for everyone that said maybe, please let me know if you comfirn and please make a new reply to the form with the days you can staff! We are prioritizing giving a badge to people who staff the most days if we end up having a limit :)

Also right now, we are lacking in Handlers. If anyone would be willing to possibly become a handler for a chunk of the day, it would help me out a lot please! You can be both a cosplayer and a handler! I will do just that myself :)
I had put Saturday confirmed, as my group will be leaving Ohio at somepoint that Friday and back home somepoint Sunday. Not up to me on the arrival / departure times.

I can be a handler for a time Saturday as well. Although I had not officially handled before.
I had put Saturday confirmed, as my group will be leaving Ohio at somepoint that Friday and back home somepoint Sunday. Not up to me on the arrival / departure times.

I can be a handler for a time Saturday as well. Although I had not officially handled before.
Handling is very simple^^ You just make sure everyone is ok, if cosplayers need anything (food, water, repairs), if cosplayers needs a break you inform some of the leaders and you help with crowd managing (making sure not too many people are taking photos all at once, if families want photos to make people wait their turn, etc) You'll see, I give a crash course but it's basically just being a mom to the cosplayers XD and doing small errands if needed.
I think I'll be confirmed, as Parzival said, I filled the form out and would love to help as much as I can. We will be traveling together so our times of arrival and departure would be the same. I listed myself as cosplay/handler as I would like to handle while in odst cosplay, I am also new but I'm sure I would be capable of lending a hand and could learn. Also with me would be my wife, she will probably hang around here and there but mainly wander the halls. I am very excited to meet more 405th, especially from a different regiment.
I think I'll be confirmed, as Parzival said, I filled the form out and would love to help as much as I can. We will be traveling together so our times of arrival and departure would be the same. I listed myself as cosplay/handler as I would like to handle while in odst cosplay, I am also new but I'm sure I would be capable of lending a hand and could learn. Also with me would be my wife, she will probably hang around here and there but mainly wander the halls. I am very excited to meet more 405th, especially from a different regiment.
Thanks for filling the form^^ Added to my spreadsheet! Just to confirm, we don't allow partners to stay at the booth anymore if they are not part of the 405th themselves. They can come hangout for sure but we don't allow them to remain in the booth directly. We've had issues with that in the past and had to change the rules to make it fair :) Not that I'm implying that your wife will be a problem of course, I'd love to meet her^^ Just doing my job of warning everyone :D Oh also, Parzival wrote only available Saturday and you wrote both Saturday and Sunday. You wrote that you'll both be together so I'd just like to confirm is this is indeed correct?
Thanks for filling the form^^ Added to my spreadsheet! Just to confirm, we don't allow partners to stay at the booth anymore if they are not part of the 405th themselves. They can come hangout for sure but we don't allow them to remain in the booth directly. We've had issues with that in the past and had to change the rules to make it fair :) Not that I'm implying that your wife will be a problem of course, I'd love to meet her^^ Just doing my job of warning everyone :D Oh also, Parzival wrote only available Saturday and you wrote both Saturday and Sunday. You wrote that you'll both be together so I'd just like to confirm is this is indeed correct?
Rosebud , FuriousFido , and I will be traveling up Friday at some point and are confirmed for Saturday and Sunday. I will edit my form to reflect that. Thanks!
Thanks for filling the form^^ Added to my spreadsheet! Just to confirm, we don't allow partners to stay at the booth anymore if they are not part of the 405th themselves. They can come hangout for sure but we don't allow them to remain in the booth directly. We've had issues with that in the past and had to change the rules to make it fair :) Not that I'm implying that your wife will be a problem of course, I'd love to meet her^^ Just doing my job of warning everyone :D Oh also, Parzival wrote only available Saturday and you wrote both Saturday and Sunday. You wrote that you'll both be together so I'd just like to confirm is this is indeed correct?
That is understandable and wouldn’t want any issues, we will be there for full days Saturday and Sunday. But most likely will leave after the con Sunday but before teardown as we will have travel back.
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