Cardboard... Assault Rifle! Back In Progress!

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MajorAlert said:
it looked ok before you put the blue marker on . all i have to say is that you compleitly mest it up with the blue marker

You do know that i'm resining and painting over it... the blue areas are just to make my work easier.
I will add progress... i just got back from my vacation...

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smilie120 said:
Prety Freakin' sweet Finnish! :p

EDIT: Spellcheck xD

Thanks! i will also add a couple of resin coats and bondo to smooth everything out...

Also Positive feedback is always welcome for my account... LOL!
(it's 2 stars...)


EDIT: What do you excpect for my dogs spell abilities? lol!!!
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Resin and bondo that thing right now, it is soo freakin awesome.

You might even be able to mold this if you can get it smooth.
AoBfrost said:
Resin and bondo that thing right now, it is soo freakin awesome.

You might even be able to mold this if you can get it smooth.

Right now i'm finishing off the 1st side of the weapon with Resin and bondo, i noticed that the resin doesnt attach to the primed surface that well so i will fix it by adding multiple layers of it. (it sticks on well when it hardens but when you add the resin it 'flows' off... lol)
I'm probably going to mold this if i first find someone to sell silicone rubber around my area...

Thanks for the comments!!

PS. If i ever get this molded i will sell 5 copies. (or the amount that covers the build costs)
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Finnish_Spartan said:
Right now i'm finishing off the 1st side of the weapon with Resin and bondo, i noticed that the resin doesnt attach to the primed surface that well so i will fix it by adding multiple layers of it. (it sticks on well when it hardens but when you add the resin it 'flows' off... lol)
I'm probably going to mold this if i first find someone to sell silicone rubber around my area...

Thanks for the comments!!

PS. If i ever get this molded i will sell 5 copies. (or the amount that covers the build costs)

Definatley will buy If this thing looks decent when its molded :p
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lionheart912 said:
That is great for any medium, let alone cardboard. Cant wait too see it all smooth when the bondo'ing is finished.

Can you define the sentence "that is great for any medium"? sorry, english is not my first language... (even tough i speak it nearly as much as finnish xD)

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Finnish_Spartan said:
Can you define the sentence "that is great for any medium"? sorry, english is not my first language... (even tough i speak it nearly as much as finnish xD)

-Fin(n)ish see tense #11.

Finnish_Spartan said:
Don't do that. Also, why is your sig so large?
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wow...amazing, it looks like some sort of plastic proto-type ready to be mass produced from the shiny-ness ;) , just one question, how did you get the card-board to get all of that detail without it getting those "scars" after folding? Do you make the cardboard all soft and limp in some sort of liquid or something? IDK
Vrogy said: see tense #11.
Don't do that. Also, why is your sig so large?

Thanks for the definition... uhm... i have seen bigger siggies..


PillowFire said:
wow...amazing, it looks like some sort of plastic proto-type ready to be mass produced from the shiny-ness ;) , just one question, how did you get the card-board to get all of that detail without it getting those "scars" after folding? Do you make the cardboard all soft and limp in some sort of liquid or something? IDK

Well the idea that i use is that i try not to fold the cardboard that much but layer it untop of on another, i also used poster board to make the smooth curves...
And now i have added the bondo so it's evens smoother..

Stay tuned for my 'follow-up tutorial' of how anyone can make cool cardboard!

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The Kraken said:
That is so awesome!! Great work!

And its magazine not clip ;)

well i didnt end up making the magazine removable :( i thought i will maybe do it for the cast if i just find someone who sells silicone rubber...

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