Cardboard... Assault Rifle! Back In Progress!

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Hello guys,
I'm sorry for not updating this topic in a long time... i have not had time to work with my AR, because i'm too busy with my helmet.... I will start working with the AR as soon as i get my helmet sanded...

But here i will answer a few questions.

Matthijs said:
Awesome dude!

I C4n HaZ Y0uR W3aP0nZ? :p
Yes! aNy1 C4n HaZ mY W3aP0nZ!
I will mold it.

Dark Rogue said:
Uh...slight necro. Also, why is this in the noob forum?
I will still smoothen out my AR (ALOT).
...Could a Mod get this topic out of here?

Shorion said:
wow i didnt think that it would look so nice as cardboard. I guess if you have the time to cut it all and work it slow you can.... I just might make one too.... it doesnt look that hard
It actually only took me about 5 hours to cut everything out and glue it :)

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xXBattle RifleXx said:
wow i cant believe i missed this on the forums
this if F******* awesome dude
Glad someone noticed :cautious:
But on the bright side, thank you very much :D

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I got some good news (maybe) for you guys. I have nearly completed my AR and i will make a silicone mold of it.
If anyone is interested for some casts, PM me.

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