Centurion Build

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Guys, my apologies for lack of updates......aside from it being the holiday season and being overwhelmed w/ 2 jobs......I'm kind of on the disabled list. Been diagnosed w/ multiple tears in my meniscus of the right knee so getting around has been a real challenge. Just getting to my work station in the basement isn't easy. Trying to avoid stairs as much as possible till after my surgery on the 27th. I put any foam building to the side for the moment but I did bring up my templates for my helmet and have started attempt #7....Wish me luck. On many levels.
Yikes, sorry about the knee, to bad your side of the wall doens't have free health care.... :cool

Which would you say you're dreading more, the surgery, or helmet attempt #7? In any case, best of luck with the helmet, this is lucky number 7! You are destined to complete it this time!
I would say the surgery.......The helmet isn't a major body appendage that would effect my life if I didn't build it....
Wow Dude sorry to hear that :cry Hope you feel better soon and everything works out. Schankerz Since I'm apparently enclosed off by the wall does this mean I can reap the benefits of free health care?
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Hmmm, by receiving our free health care you will also receive our infamous Canadian weather. ;)

Post OP update:

Well it is day 2 on my road to recovery and I had a very boring day yesterday. I did however get to my #7 attempt of the helmetIMG_0135.JPGIMG_0136.JPGIMG_0136.JPG

I had several hours to work on this totally uninterrupted. That is the good news. The bad news is that my procedure on my knee was successful. Unfortunately the damage was more extensive than first thought. I'm might be laid out for the next 2 weeks. Suffice to say work isn't happy about that is an understatement in a major way. But I think that the most opposition I have for staying home is from the wife. Just yesterday, a day after the operation, she was pushing to get me lifts to work so I wouldn't stay home. I guess she feels too much of me at home will drive her insane. Well we'll see what the Dr says later today. In the meantime I have hours to kill so back to building. Ahhhh pain killer time!!!!!!
Well I'm glad to see your making good progress on helmet #7, I have faith in this one! I'm really sorry to hear about your knee though man, I truely hope you recover sooner than later. I'll definelty be praying....for your wife, I mean, having Dirtdives around constantly 24/7 for two weeks....I can't imagine how much she must be suffering right now. :lol

Get well soon buddy.
Glad to hear everything's going well (ish)

I hear the recovery is the dreaded portion.

I'm also really amazed that you're working on your suit. if I were in your position, I'd have the Xbox on and be blasting away at some covi scum, out of laziness. we 'popsicle sticks' can occasionally be couch potatoes. not that it's a bad thing.

can't wait to see fred and all seven of his helmets. is fred a Hydra? like...the mythological monster?

you're a trooper, buddy.

get well soon
Get well man, and a 405ther like yourself knows that no matter what, they will finish their suit. Even if they are injured.

Great progress so far I must add!
Thanks for the well wishes guys. Got some more done on my helmet. I'll have even more over this weekend. Have to start physically therapy now. Looks worse than it looks but I don't feel a thing


3 holes and a lot of swelling. Feels very weird and swollen but definitely on the mend.
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