Centurion Build

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Rough...at least you can work on your suit while you recover. Although I can't say I think that that's what I would be doing...maybe I'm just not motivated enough.
Hey guys.....its been a while. Just want to give everyone a big "Thank you" for all your well wishes and words for a speedy recovery. I'm definitely on the mend and still in the game. Just got back from vacation but before I had left, I got some major peping done on my helmet

I hope the pics go through as this is the 1st time since the cross over that I have tried embedding pics. Compared to the last one, this is coming out great!!! I managed to not mess up the crown piece like I did the last time and it just seems a bit tighter and more solid of a build that the last as well. Currently, just about done w/ the mouth piece area and then the lower part of the jaw. Not sure if it should continue to close up the opening rim of the helmet or not. If I do, I will have to go w/ a hinged 2 piece helmet. If I stop now, I can just get my overly large knoggen in to it. The upside of doing a 2 part helmet is access. I can pretty much get any work done inside the helmet w/o having to cram both hands it to a small opening. Down side is....I've never done a 2 part helmet and I don't have time or patience to make an 8th helmet.....So I will be using #6 as my guinea pig. I'll throw in another layer of fiberglass to make it a bit thicker and bondo the outside so I can get some more practice w/ that material and try to split this somewhere along the back seam behind the ear and go up w/ it. I still have to decide if that is the way to go which I'm leaning towards. The hinge is also a factor for me. Not sure how to go about this, but I have several ideas.

As far as the rest of the suits goes.....due to my injury, I was unable to get down to my work shop in the basement. I did manage to correctly fit 1 shin piece and start on the detailing of it.....sorry no pic of that right now. but I'm mobile again and will resume after I've finished my helmet.......I just have to remember what I did w/ the foam templates.......basement is a mess....
Nice that your getting back into it man and that hopefully your feeling better. Your progress sounds great (we cant see the pictures though). You got quite the patience for making that many helmets, especially in the pep route.

Hey progress is progress and it looks like your getting a good amount done!
Myties...........Extra rum, tall cups and little ice!!!! Happy hour from 12-3, 2 for 1......I don't know how this place makes money. Didn't go a day w/o a drink on hand. SavedbyGraceG12 didn't have any counter space available so the stove was the best of a bad choice. Would have been funny if the stove was on........but not really.
While I was building my Centurion suit, I was on the look out for reference pictures and even the Fred S-104 action figure......which I only found on line and to be honest...I was too cheap and too lazy to buy. However......while picking up some stuff from Walgreen's, I passed by the toy section, on a whim no less, and spotted a Carter action figure and one other box behind that one.......Hole snot!!!! It was a:

Rapture!!!! And for $5 it was practically a steal. Now I see my reference pictures in a different perspective. Truly having a 3D representation is a boon when you only have 2D references. I got it home and opened him up and it was just like Hanukkah........Christmas, for those not of the Jewish faith. The left leg is a little bowed due to the packaging and I will need to glue the butt plate and the bar on the shoulder because they keep falling off. Other than that....it looks great. This is the first action figure I have purchased for myself in a very long time and brought back so many memories.

Sweet!!!! This is going to help me detail out the pieces I have left to build: thighs and 1 shin......maybe both shins. I'm not really happy w/ the first one I built.

I was comparing the figure's armor to the pieces I had already build and I'm very pleased w/ my work....(Punches self in arm)......and see where improvements can be made.
That is really awesome. To just be strolling around and to find that, quite a lucky little grab there. The more references the better, especially when one is a 3d version of your suit. I see that toy helping you with a lot of your suit later down the road.
My only regret is not getting it sooner into my build.....better late than never and, hey....my first piece of a HALO collection. Keeping the box just in case.
Awesome find Dirt! Never underestimate Walgreens!! I can imagine how helpful having a small model to base your stuff on, plus who doesn't love action figures?!

So hows your knee doing now? Been able to get down into your workshop basement lately?
Yep, knee is doing great. Back to exercising and no pain. Working on the helmet so I can do that upstairs so I don't need the workshop just yet. I'm pushing for a soft revile on March 12th, Purim. Which is the Jewish version of Halloween. Not going to push it but it couldn't hurt.
Now off to your costume. ;)

Nice fig! But I also totally recommend you getting the McFarlane Fred, it's far more superior in terms of sculpt and accuracy than the Mattel.
(they only screwed up and made his undersuit with hex - which is inaccurate, but the armor itself, perfectly accurate)


- Palmer
The armor is all I really need right now.....I'm not ready w/ the undersuit just yet. I have till June 9th for ScFi Valley Con and 235 days till NYC Comicon.....Enough time for an undersuit build I hope......(Falls under the "Famous last words" category).....
Uh-oh. it's happened again! I think you need lessons on scaling, my friend;)

next time, add about 5mm to the top. lol

aww..man, the pep looks great, but dang...just a teensy weensy bit too small.
maybe it's not, as you're not done with the chin, but we'll see.
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