Centurion Build

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It's done!!!!! Ok people.....need feed back:

Keep it or Trash it?

Again, I'm holding the helmet since I have no padding on the inside, and to just give it some more prospective, some of the upper armor as well. (My wife asks for you not to look at her toes......but if you do at least they are properly pedicured......Pretty funny coming from someone fully medicated).......I think it is a significant improvement. I can actually put the chest piece on and off w/o having to open the back up which is another great improvement. I will have to be able to attach something to the chest piece to keep it in place from slipping backward. The booster packs and the back center piece are heavier that the front so......yeah.....another small problem but definitely a step in the right direction.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, I should be able to get my painting started soon.

Side note: My daughter has decide on a suit......ODST HALO Kitty!!! It's going to be a fast and nasty build but she is determined to help.......and has already cut out the templates for her helmet. Foam that is. And the next generation of 405th is begun. Going to start a separate thread for that one......
Keep it! It's looking so much better. I still think the helmet is 10% too big, but it is close enough that you should go with it for now.

I love the second picture. I'm seeing you talking into your comms, "Command, we have an unidentified female. Please advise." pretty snazzy room too. Lots of unique furnishments.
Yeah, 10% I can get away with. As far as communications w/ command.......I received no authorization to shoot the female.......yet.
I was thinking more like Star Trek, where you would be like a Ryker type.

"Fred, we have confirmed that this is first contact of a new alien race. Your orders are to make a good first impression."

"Roger that."

I blame you for making me think of that. :p

As far as the armor goes I can't explain how nice it feels to see you in proportional armor. After this you're going to be able to tell what a right size helmet is, or chest piece, because you'll have one! And all those haters making fun, half of which don't even have suits yet, will put their foots in their mouths or change their tune. If anything you've inspired me to keep working no matter the obstacles.
There are no haters.......and if I can't make fun of myself, I have no right to make fun of anyone else.......Notice that,..... I make fun of EVERYONE!!!!!! Payback, my style!! I have a bit of a knack for improv.......I just need to get over my low self esteem on my build and just .......build.I need to stop comparing my build to others....like mawrTRON, who's suit is psychotic, and just build MY suit....not theirs......I keep forgetting to do that. Its the number one obstacle that I face.....perhaps other do to?

Oh boy....I sound like a self-help guru......
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Heeey, I can make fun...I have a suit, that doesn't look like a bikini...:p Sheesh, PerniciousDuke. says the only one of us who doesn't have a full suit. lol. Schankz has a full suit, Dirt (now) has a full suit, Blake has a full suit, I have a full suit...notice a pattern? now who was left out of that list....Hrmmm...:rolleyes:

I find it funny you call us "Haters without full suits" when you're the only one without a suit...:D :D :D

Nice job, DD. I thing i'd better give you the credit you deserve. :)
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Looking good! Yesh a bit to big, but it's not worth it making a new one for that slight size difference. Well see my problem is watching other people's suit builds and thinking I can't wait to finish mine, but then not building it :D:lol:.
It looks a lot better now. The proportionality of the helmet to the chest looks right to me. The forearms are nicely proportioned too...

...But the biceps now look too small.

Also starting armour for my kids, thread to come soon...
Ok my holiday is over and I did manage to get some things done to my armor between the High days ........

I have a few more detail pieces to add and a bit of sanding of the rough edges to do but overall.....I think it is just about done. I wasn't planning on using so much craft foam but it just covers up so much of the poorly seamed areas and imperfections of the EVA foam mats, I just couldn't help myself. One thing that is now irking me are the boosters....Now that I added the new collar section, the booster lights hit the back end of that piece and no longer throws the light forward in front of me......It looks cool but ineffectual. Not that I'm going to need tactical lighting for a combat situation.....but it would be nice to walk in the dark and not bump into anything. I might have to scrub up for some more foam surgery and relocate. Just starting to feel time eking up on me...June 11th..I know I shouldn't but I can't help it this time......I have so much to do and I want to finish in time.....this time. Finish the left thigh.....finish detail and sand the chest.....sand helmet.....cut and set visor.....add details to said helmet....paint suit and DMR, including battle damage, but only if I have time.....I still have 1 other suit I need to finish for my daughter....another fast and nasty one. Once I have my thigh finished and visor cut...I'll do a full suit-up pic.....Not even worried about an undersuit as it will be just a spandex piece for SCI-FI Valley..... I'll work on something better for NYCC after.
Nice work, Dirt. (y) The new chest definitely looks cleaner, not to mention Papeesheewoosh..er. :D

yeah, that thruster light's gonna be tricky if you want it to look effective.

maybe instead, you could do a custom light-up visor? I'm doing one of those, and it's actually not too hard to see through. As an added bonus, it would add a lot of "pop" to a suit at a convention.
The lights are already installed in to the boosters. I would need to either cut them out or just not use them which both choices suck.......Nurse Prep the O.R., ...........Ladies and Gentle-Spartans, we will be conducting a booster lift today.........That's BOOSTER lift mblackwell1002, not ........oh never mind. Your brains already in the gutter.......
says the guy who talks about his......rmm...never mind. :lol:
maybe I'll spare your embarrassment...
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Keep plugging away Dirt! You can always refine it some later. I've told myself I'll be done with mine every year for the past 2 years. Don't sweat it bro! Even if it doesn't look like everyone else's, it's still gonna look a 100 times better than some store bought costume! Your doing just fine.
Chest piece looks sweet! So with the lights in the booster, can you run with it on and make thruster noises and have the lights on and to others you will look like your running faster?? Maybe maybe?
I think you should pull up a bit the thruster pack (if you can), it's gonna give a more dynamic style Dirt. Add some details which are not on the suit in the game or simplify some parts is also great, it's something like "your" Fred.
¿Cómo está usted, estoy buscando la armadura Fred (centurión) pero no lo encuentra por favor, ¿podría ayudarme Ya tengo el casco
No es un problema. Dispáñeme un PM con su correo electrónico y puedo enviarle el archivo.

Sólo para que sepas, estoy usando Google Translate .... Yo no hablo español tan bien, dispite mi esposa siendo Mexicana ... simplemente nunca lo recogió.
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