Centurion Build

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Just as a quick side piece.....I had dropped my phone the other day and broke the case. The piece that allowed me to keep the phone upright broke off. I had to prop my phone up w/ something if I was watching anything, but it kept falling over.......grabbed some scrap foam and made myself a stand....

very cosplayish........don't you think?
Oh!!!! GOD JUST SHOOT ME ALREADY!!!! Ok getting back to my build, please.....I started working on the shoulder section.....filling in the gaps so to speak, and in a fit of mild rage and determination, I started removing certain parts off the chest piece in preparation of other parts to attach. I pulled up a template off the pep version (not the foam one) and started building that additional piece. Hopefully this will give it the bulk I need. Please pray for my sanity.............
Dear Lord, please let Dirtdives lose his sanity, so that someday he can lie on a garbage can, muttering unintelligible gibberish about bobbleheads, and phone holders, and bikini centurion armor...and Blackwell.

Remember DD, you brought this upon yourself!!
And also Lord, please remember all of the giant headed children, who, through no fault of their own, are destined to have giant buckets.

Let us also remember the forming and re-forming of parts, the parted pieces and pieces to be parted so that in parting we can piece the parts to be formed and re-form the parted pieces to be pieced. And in parting, let us remember to re-piece the formed parts which wherever they have been re-formed have parted and will need to be re-pieced.
So a quick update on the revamp of my chest piece. Printed out my templates and made the new collar section. Pieced it together just to get an idea of the sizing:

Now lets put a real body into it......

not bad.......beefier for sure. but the ultimate test......The helmet:

I held it in place because I needed to see where it would sit w/ padding........Now w/ the "new" chest piece the helmet looks more proportionally correct. I think I have a winner. Next is to close the back end of the collar and resize the center piece that sticks up.....It's a bit crooked. Ok, I'm back on track. Then I need to redo several of the detail pieces and then back to the thigh details..........OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Painting is coming soon!!!! Need better weather.
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