Centurion Build

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Hey guys, thanks for the kind words. Took a few days off from my build to take my mind off of some suit issues......not getting it to it at this time but, I did not waste time doing nothing......I still need a prop weapon so I started on my favorite weapon...(Ok Fred's favorite weapon)....The DMR:

I went with the foam "sliced" version.......which turns out, works very well w/....you guessed it....FOAMBOARD!!!! I love this stuff. So here we have several slices for the rifle and clip but I have a few more to go.

Lines up really good. Game plan: I'm going w/ wood glue to attach everything together as hot glue would add too much bulk and effect the inserting of the clip which will be removable. Once assembled, and detailed (craft foam since I can't get that detail out of FB), I'm going w/ mawrTRON 50/50 sealant.....again.....because FB and spray-paint just don't mix too well, so it's got to be sealed first.

Size: Being 6'3"....I had to make the weapon a bit larger than what the armory has it sized at......that one was sized for my 11 year old. So 20% larger and I got this:

I still have to put the barrel in but It looks good and feels like the right size. What do you guys think?
Unfortunately I couldn't make a one size fits all sorta thing. Each will have to be scaled. If it helps Im 5'10" and its scaled to fit me... also please note these are made to be printed on A4 paper. Im using international paper standards, none of this exclusive "US Letter" paper size.

I think Im just spitful because when I was pepping my first suit I had to convet all the pep files from letter to A4. This is my own way of getting revenge...
Ya I get ya on the sizing. I know you have to scale all things accordingly. I was just wondering if anyone knew a quick way to play with the scale a PDF.

Dirtdives I like the foam board method. I've seen the layering with MDF and such but not foam board. Looks like it's going to work out great. The foam board stuffs pretty cool I've seen some guys from flitetest on YouTube make tons of rc planes out of the stuff. They also used Minwax (think it's a wood sealer) to seal the stuff before paint.
OK!!!! Who's got 2 thumbs and a KICK-ASS DMR?

This Guy!!!

So, some gluing together........and add a barrel:

Sanding/shaving and adding detail:

Then even more detail:

Oh yeah....forgot the scope......Son donated one of his unused NERF scopes.......Ammo clip is removable and is held in place w/ magnets. Have some work to make this a bit smoother taking in and out. Tip for anyone building weapons w/ removable clips w/ magnets.....put those in before closing up the stock.....pain in the butt to do so after.

Because it was a sliced weapon..you could see all of the layers and not all the slices were the same size, hence the sanding and shaving but some areas were impossible to do and it just looked unclean/unfinished w/ the layers showing so I covered nearly all of it in thin craft foam. My phone died as I took the last pic so I don't have a pic of that but it looks sexy as hell.......
And is a perfect size......Tried it w/ my gloves and all the fingers fit within the hand guard. Threw on a couple of layers of the 50/50 and let it dry overnight..........Now, comes the hard part. Painting. A bad paint job will kill this........
Thanks. It came out a hell of a lot better than I expected.....surprised myself even. Encores? Planing on making the shotgun for my son's Emile build and in the middle of making the M-247 H for my Jorge build.......(The Jorge is for next year). If I have time, I'll take a crack at the sliced AR or battle rifle.
That's a seriously awesome DMR! Love how crisp and gun-ish it looks. Just a few critiques I'd like to make, the barrel seems just a bit too fat, makes it seem at bit more toyish than it should be, it's not a big thing but it's what caught my eye. Also...this is just a small total nerd lore complaint and it doesn't have to matter really, but the DMR you have there is the Reach M392 DMR where the DMR Fred uses in Halo 5 is the M395B. This isn't really a big deal especially since you already put so much effort into it, I'll just put my nerd glasses away now....
I already knew it was the Reach DMR and not the one Fred uses, (although I'm not that Nerdy I am Geeky)........The only one I could find in the sliced version. As for the barrel......intentional as well. I needed it to be sturdy and this was the closest PVC in size. The next smaller size was too small and it would offset the sizing since this was upped by 20% for me. The thought was to lathe down the tubing, but that proved to be more difficult than I imagined hence the thickness needed. Also too cold outside to stay in the shop longer than a few minutes at a time. Now if your nerd glasses weren't so busy trying to sneak out and get back in to the Great White North....(We know where you are!!!)......you should have spotted the missing sight on the barrel. It snapped off 3 times while I was working on it. I need to either do w/o or use something other than hot glue and foam-board. Though what......I don't know.
Ah but you see I've already successfully snuck beyond the wall and safley back to the home land, I'm uncatchable in my natural element!

For your iron sight on the barrel I made mine out of simple EVA foam and it's stayed very well, it'll more likely bend a bit rather than break when under pressure and that's easily fixed.
Schankerz, you Waskely Wabbit!!!! Yeah EVA foam that will bend might be the way to go.....

SavedbyGraceG12, It's not pep....its the foam file for the DMR courtesy of monkeyfuj......here. Its all part of a UNSC weapons file, you need to DL the whole thing to get it.

There are 3 thicknesses to FB, 1/4, 1/2, and 1 inch. I used 1/4" and it was 7 layers thick, not including the craft foam layers. Add all that together plus glue, barrel and scope.......It's got some weight to in now.
Hey guys, not much of a update and things have been a bit hectic at home w/ an upcoming holiday and trying to schedule in a knee procedure for the wife just before said holiday.

That being said, I still have a lot to do on my suit but it's just going to be a bit slower going than I hoped. I am having some artistic issues......more like aesthetic issues in regards to my thigh pieces.

The sizing is perfect...... fits good and looks good but something is missing.......I'm still in the middle of detailing it out but I just can't put my finger on it.

Another thing, I still have to come to a decision on how to attach all of this together. Attach to the undersuit........attach to a webbed harness.....????? tick tock....tick tock....
OK boys and girls....Update time:

Right, so I took a quick break from my Centurion build (2 weeks really) because I was having a mental breakdown in regards to my helmet and chest piece. For those of you who miss the fun, I'm in the middle of attempt #8 of my helmet. Out of mercy, I receive help from PerniciousDuke in the means of a helmet. So, helmet in hand....I want to see how things look.....View media item 2053
It looks like I'm wearing a high tech bra on steroids from Playtex....My chest piece is a bit too tight so rather than re-do, I spliced in some foam to give it a bit more girth

Ok that is a bit better. Still have to work on it a bit......add a bit more to the collar area and redo that center piece that is below my chin......and a few other things.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
The thighs look awesome as well as the DMR! The chest can definitely be a tad bigger, but it is looking a lot better now that you have added extra foam pieces. Cant wait to see it all come together!
Well the question is, does the helmet fit? or is it wobbly on your head? If the helmet fits I think you just need to add some more extension to the chest to make it bigger. Now that you have elongated the shoulders maybe adding extensions by the rib cage and see if that helps. Or we can always meet out in Secaucus after work and knock this out ;)
Well the bucket isn't padded and I know that there is room on the inside.....I still need to cut away at the opening to get my head in w/o forcing passed my ears. Let me try the additions I plan around the collar and put some padding inside the helmet and I'll re-post pic. That should put some more height to the chest. If that fails we'll talk ok?
It is NOT your fault that you have a giant head!

I am actually wondering if the helmet is sitting on your head right. I think that you need to get that visor hole cut so that you can tell. It seems to me that the helmet is sitting very low. You basically have no neck right now and the chin of the helmet is sitting at the bottom of the neck hole of the chest piece.

If it fits, it fits. It is hard to tell if it is out of size until we see it with the shoulders/arms on. They will add some extra bulk to the upper body so the helmet may not look so large.
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