Constructing marine armor

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The more I look at the figures and watch Halo: Legends Prototype, the more bleak my armor looks. I know I complained about how the armor is missing some rather major folds but I also notice I don't have the forearm armor. Or am I missing files? I don't have the proper software to do this on my own as I complained earlier. So it looks like I am not 100% with pepakura yet. I will post an update later today on my final decision on what to do/ what to make.
I found this nifty forearm armor used by martial artists that appears to be close to what the marines are wearing.

As for the missing folds, I am going to ignore the indentations on the side straps and I will make a template for the torso armor. I am beginning to doubt if what I think are slots on the torso armor are not slots but straps. I will need more info on that. As for the mouthpiece, I am going to use a bluetooth helmet headset. I need to see what I can get at the local motorcycle shop that is A: small and thin and B: CHEAP! These are my decisions. As for weaponry, I cannot utilize pepakura, as said before so anyone with weapon files who can send them to me, PM me. I am looking for the following weapons.
M5 Assault Rifle
Battle Rifle
and any pistol.

I will update this thread whenever something related to the armor happens or will happen or is happening. Whatever comes first. Good luck to all that are in progress of their builds and please pray for good health to the poor japanese people who are recovering from the great quake/ tsunami of March 11, 2011. Thank you, it will mean a lot to me since I'm 1/6th japanese.
I cant wait to see this finished. I'm working on the same thing as well but replacing the helmet with an official uncsc marine cap. I have to say that yours looks a heck of a lot better than mine... mostly because you don't have to have your armor done by Friday like I do :p. Looking good so far so keep it up.
Done by Friday? Wow. Why's that seaninja (cool and funny name)? As for Octorock (8 rock? Interesting name) thank you. And Mr. Weidl, if you are reading this, don't worry about the size changes I requested. My brother wants me to do something totally different. He wants to be one of these guys.

Image from imageshack. All I got to say is COME ON! THAT LOOKS FAR MORE DIFFICULT THAN THIS BUILD! I am not even sure a pepakura exists for this. I will look around. Thank god I don't have to do the helmet. He has one already. And now for somehting completely different.

I am making my own pepakura pieces using Appleworks 6 drawing program for the slots in the armor and on the side of the helmet where they stick out for the ear pieces.

A closer view of what I made. I hope I did a good job with it.

An even closer view of what I have made.

The beginning of the mod. Since I glued in the ear pieces, it was easy to cut the "panels" out so I can glue in the twin slots seen on the marine helmets.
Now, for other plans. I may not get the forearm guard or I may still. I have not came to a final decision yet. If I may, if any of you out there have completed your halo 3 marine armor and have posted your works here or anywhere on the web, please link them to me. Thank you.


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Yeew, monty python Quote!
As for the forearm armour, In game, some marines dont wear any and have their sleaves rolled up to their elbows. I always thought that looked pretty sweet, especially with gloves. But that forearm piece you found looks good too.
Yeew, monty python Quote!
As for the forearm armour, In game, some marines dont wear any and have their sleaves rolled up to their elbows. I always thought that looked pretty sweet, especially with gloves. But that forearm piece you found looks good too.

I may not go with that and just go with the fingerless gloves but I do wanna try the forearm guard out.
Nice home made pep files :p
The inside of the helmet looks intricate, how did you go by on glueing that :D

One bit at a time.
Drum role please! I have taken action as noted from my home made pieces and added them to the armor.

The twin slots of the helmet. I know they are low but I love where they are placed. Plus it was quite a bit of work to place.

And let the evil laughter fly! I have made the slots to the armor. Now all I need is a good day, some fiberglass activator and a respirator and I can get cracking again! I have started a flickr account with all of my photos not seen on this site.
As for the panzer cop armor, does anyone make it out of pepakura? I am not willing to pay $1500 to $3500 for a set that may not fit. Also, does anyone have any one inch/ 3cm wide black elastic straps? I need at least a foot worth. No need to waste money on a 20+ foot roll if all I need is a foot worth.


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I think some people use velcro to keep armor in place.
I don't know how you would go along to buy that stuff.
Thanks to my brother, I am gonna get 30 feet of elastic strap that is one inch or 3 cm wide. I only need a foot so anyone that needs some, PM me and I will send out the lengths free of any charges. It be my way of thanking this great community.
I am now on the search for a respirator and I found one. When it comes to enforcing the need of one, the official halo costuming wiki is the place to go. I have found a half-face respirator with filters with a rating of P-100. Wish me luck still fella's.
I think it would be prudent to remind you of this again:

A few years ago a forum member went to the hospital after the fibreglassing portion of his build. After being examined they discovered that his lungs were so damaged from resin fumes that they were like leather. When I say "Like leather" I mean that very literally. He then spent a few weeks, possibly months, recovering in a lot of pain.

Royalpain88 do you remember this post??

If you can't get a respirator, look into Aqua Resin

This is serious my friend. Oh, and great looking pep! I'll keep watching. If fellers like you keep making great stuff, I'll gladly make more .pdf's! :)
I am now on the search for a respirator and I found one. When it comes to enforcing the need of one, the official halo costuming wiki is the place to go. I have found a half-face respirator with filters with a rating of P-100. Wish me luck still fella's.

Didn't we go over that topic at the beginning of your thread? "P" stands for "filters particles", as in "not vapours". Please do get a real respirator with vapour filters! Re-read my post #19 in this thread to learn about the benefits of such a fine piece of equipment.
I know we did but my dad is not getting me a respirator. This will now take a LOT longer to do in term of absence of work until I can get a respirator. Until then, I am gonna gather supplies.
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