Custom Spartan Armor builds

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An update with no pics? We don't even care if it's an extremely off-topic picture like a cat riding bacon in space (google it), we just like visual stuffs.

Kidding, of course. I love how your armor is coming along! I always love it when new people who aren't completely clueless come on, and you guys just seem like fun! Great armor, though, that's what matters most on here...
This is looking awesome great job the both of you! Seeing this is inspiring and helps me stay focused on my own build. Brw...KCCO!!! (I have 3 of those Chice shirts haha)
Armour is looking great so far, you guys are going to make two very cool looking spartans :)
keep it up!
Hey everyone it's gadget!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for all the comments and support. It's making this project go a lot smoother :) and just so you guys know the cat flying on bacon made me cry I was laughing so hard! Thanks I needed that cheering up!! You guys are awesome. But a lack of pictures is what happens when I leave wolf alone with our laptop. I'm the brains of the operation hehe. But things are coming along great, I'm glad wolf finally sat down and started working on his chest. We are coming to the final steps before we prime and paint them. We started the overlay today and hopefully well have it done by the weekend and start other fun peices. But I can't thank you guys enough for all the awesome comments!!

@impactblue- kcco!!!! Awesome to meet a fellow chiver! Can't tell you how many times already that slogan has stopped me from throwing something out the window.

And now picture time

~Love gadget~




Wolf thinking really hard



Gadgets overlay


My front ab plates


Our dog makes a good shelf
DANG! That chest piece turned out really well! I think KCCO needs be somewhere on your armor. What was your scaling method for the chest? I'm going off of HaloGoddess' method but I find with foam it's hit and miss.

Keep at it!

Ps: <subscribed>
Hey hey hey, it's gadget and I've got nothing super awesome to report. Other than the awesome injuries I sustained tonight trying to work on my armor. I was trying to take a peice of over lay off and managed to get third degree burns on two fingers, then tought ill use a knife and slit the top of finger open. It's official there is blood and tears into this armor. And maybe some skin. That makes it epic, right? >.< we did a little work hopefully tommorow I will have lots more progress.

@impactblue- for sizing I just kind of did trial and error. I went off the rough size of my body and tweaked the scale from there. I glued the foam pattern on paper first just to make sure everything was right. The neck ended up being a tad to tight so I just sanded a little down to make it work. And I was totally planning on stenciling kcco on my armor :)

Night ladies and gets ~gadget~

Here's a funny picture :p

I'm loving your armor so far. Can't wait to see it finished. I have all the pieces printed out for mine but due to work and school. I haven't been able to even start cutting them out. Money if better than armor. Fro now-ZAMBIES!((P.S. Holy crap yall two look exactly like me and my girlfriend just different colored hair))
Hey everyone! It's gadget and wolf here. Sorry for the lack of recent updates, things have been crazy with the holidays coming around the corner. We haven't gotten too crazy with anything, just some overlay. We ran out of 2mm foam so I started to work on my left bicep. Wolf wants to ask for some advice and an opinion on his torso. He wants to know if the sizing looks right. He's not sure if it looks right. So any advice would be greatly appreciated! And im kind of curoius as to what you guys think of my armor as well. Thanks guys you rock!!!! Kcco!!!!!

@viperb77- that's awesome! Pics when it happens or it didn't happen lol

@rcracer1997- that's awesome, I'm home on disibilty so this armor making is keeping me sane lol, but I'm keeping calm and chiving on hehehe

But here are some new pictures
~gadget and wolf~


Wolfs torso


Different angle of wolfs


Gadgets bicep


Gadgets torso


Sorry for the MySpace shot but I needed to check size and how it looked :p
That's actually an old helmet haha, the new one may be a scout but I'm not sure yet. I know gadget is doing the commando helmet with the attachments, but I'm Torn between the scout, the gungir, or the commando as well. But we will see what happens. Oh I forgot to put a picture for reference so here's a slightly older one for sizing purposes.


Wolf out
Finally time for an update!

Hello 405th!!!!!!

Gadget here, hope everyone had a fantastic christmas and new year! We finally sat down to do some armor work with everything being said and done with! We put vinyl sleeves in and started to plasti dip the torsos. We also started the biceps and shoulders. Wolf was able to find a foam template for his shoulder peices but I wasn't so lucky so I'm laying mine out by scratch :) may use a pep few for reference, but I'm not 100% yet. Wolf bought gadget a sewing machine for christmas!!!!!! I'm so excited and now I can start making our under suits. I have to make both because wolf can't sew for his life. But here are some pictures of recent work.


Wolfs ab plate


Wolfs bicep and shoulder still in progress


Wolfs vinyl


Gadgets ab plate


Gadgets bicep


Gadgets vinyl arm

That's all I've got for today! Have a great night everyone!!

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