Props cyne's Plasma Rifle build

CYNE 739

As fate would have it, I logged onto Facebook Marketplace today and was greeted with this listing in my city; two fully 3D printed plasma rifles. For free.


The owner was gifted them by his brother, but he hasn't found the time to finish them and they're just taking up space. I told him I will be more than happy to take them off his hands and give them a welcoming home. I will pick them up on Friday next week, and this thread will be updated with some more photos once I have them in hand.

This is the only Plasma Rifle build thread I've found in the past 10 years (that has sufficient detail to go off of), so if anyone knows of other threads or people to get into contact with, that'd be fantastic for when I start to paint!

I would love to include some LED lights on the tips, but I'll have to take a look and see how it's printed and if I can gut some space for wiring. Apart from that ambitious goal, this'll be a nice side project to learn bondo and sanding. Can't wait to see it finished.
Wow. This looks nice! Im also in the process of doing mine. But im stucked with the sanding atm. And I cand find a nice paint and hexa-pattern. Im courious to see how you will finish this beauty.
I went back to that thread I linked for the other rifle build, and wow. How sick would it be to recreate the two lines of plasma on the front of the weapon.


But I fear if I go for LED on the gun, I would have to do ALL LED lights on it.

Or... hear me out...

It's been a while since I've had time to tinker, but I reckon if my mates workshop shed is still up-and-running, we could get it to work.

EDIT: so yeah, after discussing with my mate, the feasibility of an actual Plasma rifle is quite out of my skillset, I'm gonna leave that up to Hacksmith. I will instead just run with some LED filament.
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Wow. This looks nice! Im also in the process of doing mine. But im stucked with the sanding atm. And I cand find a nice paint and hexa-pattern. Im courious to see how you will finish this beauty.
That build thread I've linked has gotten the paint perfect imo! And their idea with the hexagons seems decently easy.

I've also attached images of a guide by Redshirt, that Satan Farted provided to me (since he is attempting to do his own Covenant paint on a Stalker Rifle) The original guide is on the discord somewhere, I haven't been bothered to check yet.


  • CovenantPlasmaGuide1.png
    2.4 MB · Views: 16
  • CovenantPlasmaGuide2.png
    142.9 KB · Views: 12

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