Dude its looking pretty cool Im only concerned about the cylinders if you are rondoing not that there will be a problem But just stcratch everything else and lets hope it looks like the real thing eh
Dude its looking pretty cool Im only concerned about the cylinders if you are rondoing not that there will be a problem But just stcratch everything else and lets hope it looks like the real thing eh
I wasnt going to bondo the outside of the cylinders but was going to build it up to the point where i can paint it. I figure ill use epoxy sculpt if i need to go over it. But thanks for the tip. Ill eventually sand it with smooth grit before i paint.
To do:
Add the eye screen (Safety specs cut in half.
Widen some holes for tube ends/
Modify the hinge and add it.
Add the screws.
Add some more bits on the sight.
Get some breathing tube.
Build the rear section where all the bits attach/join.
Then add LEDs and an arduino.
Created the box at the rear where everything feeds back to. I was thinking about putting a fan in there but as i wont be wearing it for long periods not worth it.
Added more "bits" to the sight. Laser module will mount on the little round thing. 4 more screws will be added to the nose area, then will need some metal brackets to hold the tubing to the helmet.
Another coat of primer to cover the bits i stuffed up while trying to get the eye glass done. (I have the option to get a laser cut bit which should be nice. Also thinking about laser etching a small recticle into it: Artistic license etc lol)
CHROME! I tell you what, the chrome certainly makes you aware of the faults! LOL. Ill cover it all under 'years of fallout and battle' or in other words rust and black coloured paint. Also painted the inside of the tubes black.
And i figure its about time to have a look at my new work area at the MHV Hackerspace. (Yes, its a Kunai hehe. Made for slicone and resin casting practice.)
Now the final todo list is to:
Build a lamp.
Add the breathing vent to the front.
Design and cut the eye glass. Laser engrave recticle.
Weather paint.
Test and mount the electronics.