First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build


Right now I have the left shin, shin insert, top of boot, and both hand plates printed. still need to sand them down and use some filler primer on them but I am waiting for my test prints for the rest of the boot to make sure it all looks alright. After that I'm going to start sizing/printing the thigh
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Thanks for yall's support! means a lot since I'm not that confident in my abilities xD. little update though, the boot decided to misprint so I have to re-print it. After that though I will do the codpiece since if I get that done I can get a better estimate for how I should do the thighs. will post an update on Monday since that is when I'm back home to my printers
small update, currently trying to modify the boot a bit so i can fit some army boots in them instead of tennis shoes so the shin sits nicer

Edit: the only problem as to why the boots do not fit is because the toe area is a bit too short for the taller boots
small update, currently trying to modify the boot a bit so i can fit some army boots in them instead of tennis shoes so the shin sits nicer

Edit: the only problem as to why the boots do not fit is because the toe area is a bit too short for the taller boots
Is it just the tread of the boot that shows or is it the boot itself?.

edit: I see the problem now, could you just get rid of the boot cover floor?
If it comes down to it I will. Gonna try to keep the extra height if I can but if not, oh well

If you're wanting to keep the extra height you could try Dremeling out the toe area on the top. Not sure how thick the toe area is but might be an avenue. If it's too thin to Dremel, you could try reprinting the foot but slicing it with a bit of a gap between the sole and the top. Would need gap filler, obviously, but you could keep the height and theoretically add all the room you need for your shoe/boot to fit properly.
If you're wanting to keep the extra height you could try Dremeling out the toe area on the top. Not sure how thick the toe area is but might be an avenue. If it's too thin to Dremel, you could try reprinting the foot but slicing it with a bit of a gap between the sole and the top. Would need gap filler, obviously, but you could keep the height and theoretically add all the room you need for your shoe/boot to fit properly.
Yeeeeeaaaah, that's what I was planning on. I just need to find my dremel lol.

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