Full size Elite

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I've worked a little more on the next leg. More progress photos.

looks, kinda wierd, more like a gloop. but dat alot of action figs. me want.

I'm not sure what a gloop is, but I'll assume you know its not finished. Yes, I have a LOT of action figures. Let's just quietly say that I like the action figures as well as the video game.
Ok, I spent some time today and tried to finish this one leg. I will admit, after finishing the leg, and knowing it would connect really made me feel good about getting it done. After the second attempt, I felt pretty good with myself.

But then I felt like Dr. Frankenstein trying to build my monster. Did I mention some assembly required? Anywho, I actually underestimated the size of my elite, and well, I think the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy.

Haha, that's about the size andelite is MEANT to be... but I'm assuming you're a TAD shorter then that :p

Nice work though!
ha ha, that looks less like a gloop (a word i came up with coz it looks like a globy kinda thing) and more like an elite.
Haha, that's about the size andelite is MEANT to be... but I'm assuming you're a TAD shorter then that :p

Nice work though!

i MIGHT have unfolded it at true scale when i got the model...

and no need to worry about it animating itself and attacking you during the night, it's completely 'armless
[pun intended]

Ok, I spent some time today and tried to finish this one leg. I will admit, after finishing the leg, and knowing it would connect really made me feel good about getting it done. After the second attempt, I felt pretty good with myself.

But then I felt like Dr. Frankenstein trying to build my monster. Did I mention some assembly required? Anywho, I actually underestimated the size of my elite, and well, I think the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy.


just what every mom and dad fare. a Elite in the closet (bad speller at times)
It looks like the elite hung himself o_O Anyways, great build! I wish I could make an Elite, but I dont have nearly enough paper! What you should do when your done is cover it in flesh-like material!
Spent some time working with resin today. Worked a little on the one leg. Had to move it to the other bathroom. Also, worked on the Arbiter helmet. Made two different sizes, cause i'm not sure which will look better.



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