Everything here is so great!!! I love all of the stuff you guys have done. I can't wait to see some finished freelancers!!!!!! The finished group shot will make all the pain and hard work worth it. I love your attention to the detail because it is the small things that make the biggest difference. Keep up the great work guys! (and gals!!!!)
Anytime I'm feeling a bit defeated I think about how amazing it's going to be to suit up as a group of freelancers, it really keeps me driven. We're definitely going to Pax Melbourne (1st international Pax, woo!) we're road tripping down so we can haul the armour with us, it's over 900m miles away. Roosterteeth has announced that they're going to be there as well!
If you keep this up I see it going into the elite category. Extreme attention to detail, and you're going to make a video. In the words of Jungle from AFT "he11 yeah"
Thanks very much

Once the basic shaping of the EVA helmet is complete I'll be shooting the video.
So, um...are you girls single?
Lol JK..Absolutely amazing work...I hope I can do as well as you cos your armor is looking awesome.
lol thanks

Our boyfriends (well, one bf and one fiance') have been talking about helping out on the armour lately but they aren't quite up for the level of detail we're doing, so they can keep playing day-z and we'll do the heavy lifting... JKs We're actually really happy to be able to do something nice for them.
Ok update time! I'm going to apologise now, I'm going to ramble on and there's going to be a lot of photos, you have been warned
First of all; the back detail, decided not to make this out of foam after all. Bondo is my thing so I'll stick to what I know for now.
I started by creating the stepped base that the detail lines are going to go on top of, it's not done and it's far from perfect but it's a start. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it off tomorrow. (click on any photo to view larger)
Now onto my new pet project, the EVA helmet. First up, I've decided that I'm going to cast this helmet and vac-form the visor, I'm also going to try vacforming a MkVI visor but that's a different update for a different day
My inspiration from this piece isn't the game model or the animated stuff from RvB, I'm modelling it after a 1/4th scale replica made by WETA Workshops. It's pretty much the same as the H3 model, there's just some small differences in the visor and other detail.
Photos of my WETA Model:
it's a bit dusty :s but here you can see a lip that goes around the jaw line of the helmet, this doesn't seem to be in the H3 model.
So it's a little different, the round shapes on the visor are more round, it has a raised lip around the jaw line and the detail around the nape of the neck seems to be raised rather than carved in.
And here's the hardened pep before I started with the bondo. Ignore the ugly pen marks, they were there because we wanted to mock up the shape of the visor to see if there was any chance of seeing through it if we made these sections transparent and the rest solid. IMO there wasn't.
I'm really going to have to build up the height of this area to fit all that juicy detail in, this face is much taller on the WETA statue.
I started by measuring and sketching out the plan for the visor and then I cut these shapes out with a dremel as they had to be lower than the surrounding areas. The round shapes haven't been cut out because on the WETA statue they aren't lower faces, there's just a groove around their edge and I'll carve this in later. I really love the design of the WETA EVA helmet so I want to replicate it as best I can.
I took the faces I cut out and reattached them on the inside of the helmet so that they were lower than the surrounding area. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately lol) I didn't take any photos of this process.
So now I'm working on smoothing out the visor shape and getting it ready. What I've got so far still needs work. After that I'll smooth out the other faces, build up the back and then get ready to shoot a tutorial. Enough talking, here's the photos:
It looks pretty blotchy and uneven in some of the photos but I think that's from the different coloured layers of body filler. I'm really pleased with it so far, I think it's going to be a thing of beauty when it's done... so round ... so smooth ... my precious ... anyway, where was I?
I've never vac-formed before so if any one familiar with the process has any ideas or considerations I should take into account now that will save me some headaches later on, let me know. Also, if there's anything in particular anyone would like to see in the video just say so. Cheers guys.
'til next time