@ drack & Spartan_127 thanks for the encouragement guys
I haven't given up just yet

I took Spartan-127's advice and mocked up the jaw detail, thanks for the tip, it worked out okay and stopped me from having a bit of a melt down lol.
I've been working pretty hard on this helmet since my last update and (I think) I've got a fair bit done on it. To start with I've put down a base on almost all of the surfaces of the helmet. This meant changing the shape of the jaw from being rounded at the bottom so that instead it came down and formed an angle (like the weta) I built up the back of the helmet so that the face around the back is taller now, so I'll have room for the detail that'll live there eventually. The band around the top of the head is nowhere near finished but it's more or less the final shape it's going to be.
And that's just the basic shaping I've done...
Detail wise I weant ahead and added the jaw lip that was the case of my anxiety earlier, I think it looks pretty decent and it's not covering up too much of the visor. The rim around the jaw was on a downward angle anyway so I just built up the lower, outer edge to the height of the higher, inner edge and I didn't lose any visor. Problem solved

It doesn't show up well in photos but should be more obvious once it's got a coat of primer.
Then I added the small face on top of what I'm calling the 'ears' of the helmet, the boxy parts that form the widest part of the helmet. Earlier this afternoon I started the two rectangular-ish details on the chin of the helmet. One is pretty much finished. Bear in mind that ALL of the body work still needs a lo of work, I was just concentrating on getting certain faces read for detailing. Much of the helmet still needs hole filling, fine sanding, spot putty and more sanding, so don't judge too harshly
Photos of the helmet as it looks now:
(click to view larger)
Sorry I don't have any progress photos to share, I recorded it instead

I still have to review most of the footage but hopefully I'll be able to edit it together and post a tutorial some time within the next week