Gunny's Project >>>initiate>>>

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ok so i need to wait till the weekend till i can fiberglass the new helm and i started to make a shot gun but relized i need stryrofoam to insert inside it to help keep it straight so ive decided to start peping the chest pice but i dont know how to scale it so how do i?

also tips on the construction of the helm shotgun and chest pice would be nice. :)
dont worry about your helmet not fitting right now , mine didnt fit when i got it completed(pepped) , and i just had to trim around the bottom till i could slide my head in, lolz. but the chest is probably one of the harder things to do just because of the size of it . and ive read that there are several ways to scale your chest piece and thats to measure your actual chest width and play around with the build height till it makes the right width , or measure from the bottom of your ear to where your elbows touch the sides or your chest (abrant3's method , however both have had mixed results just because every one is differently proportioned ) but mess around with both of those options , and if all else fails , size tester ftw!
yea but mess around with it , its been hit or miss with some people , i seen it make em way to big or perfect , but practice is good at making you better ,right?
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