ALRIGHT!!!! WHOS STEALING MY TIME?!!! i know someones takin it cuz i dont have time for anything anymore. i havnt seen the girly creature in a week, have been on a comp in my own time in 5 days and, and... well i suppose i did get to play some halo... but not as much as i wanted!!!
so, whoever took my time, if you give it back now i wont make a fuss ill just be happy to find it again. anyhu...
DoC ByTeS said:
I know has posted here in a while (grammar intended), I can't wait to see this thing pep'ed! Truly you out did yourself FS. Btw I'm about to fiberglass my torso

. I'm going to try and top the helmet, but no promises.
top the helmet?!!?!one!! @.@ well, dont be shy, get some pics up here.
EDIT: i just relised you might have a;ready but i havnt been able to ceck out the forms propperly latly.
Ruze789 said:
That's lookin pretty nice, fs!
One question/ comment, though...
Is that going to fit a regular moto visor in it? The profile view looks like a wicked backwards slant there...
and a valad question it is too. XP ive got a 'guinne pig' checkin that out for us right now.
rvb4life said:
it seems your lady friend is keeping you from finishing this...........
oh well. With the HD torso and the NZTK scout helmet, i got tons of projects to do before your helmet. the H3 one is finished, so is the recon, and soon to be scout (hopefully done tonight

ohman, i wish she was, havnt been able to see her

kewl, ok, well it wont be too long now till its out. theres no major problems with it so far.
Skullcandy Girl said:
OHHHHHH very very pretty!!!
thanky XD v-ray helps alot
xalener said:
will you eventually be doing the halo 1 version?

death said:
Can't wait to find out what this helmet is gonna be! Oh and xalener, wtf is up with your sig and avatar?! I don't have anything against them but the sig kinda creeps me out lol
oh man!! you didnt see that epp of batman with the bat dance?!?! thats a must!!! almost as much as the batman one with the exploding shark and the helicopter!
Reclaimer said:
It's the Batoosie! Xalener's got quite the combo happening. I can practically hear the singing from that Soul Glo commercial.
rvb4life said:
yeah and the batman is from YTMND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you dont know what that is, please go see help.
oh, and i finally finished my scout helmet on the brink of unconciousness (I havent slept in 2 days

yea and dont forget to youtube the batman epp with the exploding shark!!! scout?! Kewl, howd u find it? alota ppl r sayin its kinda hard.
well, ive finished writing my post and still no time has been returned.

anyhu, ill let you in on whats up next model wise. i was plannin on doin the fore arm but judging by how much time i can dedicate to it im guna leave it to someone else for the moe. if its not done by the time i have enought time i might spend some time on it timing the timey time time *cough* sorry about that. atm im lookin at doin the diper but all ive done so far is tidy the mesh and add a poly or five. if anyone wants to do a 'space monkey' on this with me ill be happy to share the work. (if you dont know what i mean by space monkey read/watch fight club).
for all thse who are mad enough to try the torso good news, i found the key! i dont have it with me cuz i didnt want to risk loosing it again but im guna do a few mesurements from 25cm accross to 75cm that way if we have any math people here they can use their mathmagical knowlege on it and work out a few of the in between numbers and then people wont be depenent on me getting near a computer.
now about the halo 1 Mrk V, yes i am planning on doin it but its a side side-project which i might use to give my friend a hand in re-learning max. *looks at bunny* if anyone else wanted to have a crack at it feel free

im not staking a 'i want to do it first' in it.
damn, still no time returned.... ohwell, atleast im getting payed.
EDIT: whats going on?!? im getting a list down the bottom of the thread listing all the posts and replys. is anyone else getting this?