Flying_Squirl's Torso Pep File
Please read this if you have any questions in relation to this file, chances are, I've answered it in here. I know it's tedious but check it out.
I'm pretty sure there's guna be problems with this one cuz, well, there's been problems with all the other files so far. If you find something that isn't answered in here and is specific to this file (like the EOD is inside out or something) lemme know n I'll get workin on it.
There was an issue during testing where it wouldn't fully download and some parts were missing. Thats in capitols to catch your eye, not to shout at you.
This file is not to be distributed and/or hosted on another site without prior permission. This was modeled for the and is for that site
only unless otherwise stated.
Do not attempt to extract these files, they're released in the locked .pep format and not .obj for a reason
General Info:
The HD Torso model has been edited so that it should be smoother but easier to cut out, fold and assemble. I used a suggestion by DoC ByTeS to make the abs plate taller so that there's more give when fitting it to your own preferred height.
Along with these modifications I've included all the Halo 3 armour permeations I had access to. I tidied up their meshs and edited em so that they'll fit nicely onto the new torso and even made some of em smoother. If I get all the others I'll issue another file with em tidied and sorted out so that they'll fit the new torso.
Theres also a super low poly size tester, some handy reference strips (explained below) and theres even the original in game model for the laugh.
Now, all models have been had their UVW coordinates roughly unwrapped and layed out so that they wont overlap. Ive included a texture file that will color each model and permeation differently allowing you to differentiate between the pieces when their unfolded. Em, I don't really feel like using texporter on all of em and the piecing all the parts together to give you a mesh-layout texture, sorry. Maybe when I'm bored some time. If you REALY want em ask, I might be feeling generous but I really don't feel like doin em right now.
Contents and Explanation of Each in Alphabetical Order:
ABS_01: This is the new abs model, it should be easier to assemble and it's taller to allow a bitta give when fitting.
ABS_TESTER_01: This is a super low-poly representation of the new abs model.
CQB_01: Oddly enough this is the CQB chest permeation.

Ive tidied the mesh a good bit and edited it to fit the new torso.
EOD_01: Same deal as the CQB. I've also made it a bit smoother
EVA_01: Again, same deal as the CQB
FLOATING_DETAILS_01: Well after a number of (good hearted) complaints about the fiddly bits on the back of the original HD torso Ive replaced em with little floating faces which can be cut out in thick card or styrene and glued into place. I swear, if someone complains about the fiddly bits being gone there not getting an invitation to my 21th!
NECK_SURROUNDS_01: During the testing it arose that a number of people had an issue with the neck surround/gap. Some wanted it, some didn't and some wanted part of it so I made the whole part optional. An upshot of this is that a handy support strip can now be included in the shoulder section which has been bothering me for a while.
ORIG_TORSO_01: This is the original in game torso and abs model. Ive tidied it up a teeny bit but other then that I haven't done anything to it. Their both attached, in object and mesh.
RE:KAWN: Read it aloud. Ah-ha, there ya go. Cleaver huh? Yea, I'm just so smrat rnt I? Same deal as the CQB. Good luck with the annoying boxy things on the sides.
JOKE: A guy goes to his doctor, 'doc, I think my life is falling appart!', doc says 'PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN!!!' hehehe... can you tell how bored I am of typing this crap?
REFRENCE_STRIPS_01: These are strips which can be printed off and checked against your body to check the height and width without having to waist all that paper and time. Remember to have on, or at least compensate for, your under-armour when measuring. Oh and keep in mind, pep uses centimeters.
SUPPORT_STRUTS_01: Oddly enough these are to support the torso's shape when resining. (yea, Ive been asked what there for a few times.)...(syrsly)...(I thought the
name woulda given it away).
TORSO_HD_01: This is SPARTAAAA the new HD Torso model. It's sorted out a bit. A lot of the pointless details have been fixed or removed and a good bit of it has been smoothened. Over all it should be an easier build.
TORSO_SIZE_TESTER_01: To be honest if you really needed this one explained you probably shouldn't be using a scissors. Bloody hell, scissors if hard to spell. I'm not even sure if thats right... damn dyslexia. Oh come on! Theres a 'x' AND a 'y' is dyslexia, thats just cruel, its like putting an 's' in 'lisp'! oh wait....
Handy Things To Note About Pep:
When you open the file only the torso, abs, floating details and 405th logo will be visible.
To show the other objects click '3DModelWindow' and 'show object list'. This will open up a little box in which all the objects are listed. To have some thing shown select it, to hide something de-select it. When your happy with what you've got click close. Pretty simple.
Its worth noting that if stuff is hidden it wont show up when unfolding and it wont even show up when you open the 'show object list' box. It'll only re-appear when you click 'undo unfold' and then open the 'show object list' box. A bit annoying really but hey, it could be worse.
To apply a texture click '3DModelWindow', 'Texture configuration...', 'Specify Texture Image...', find the texture you want to apply then click 'close'.
The poor guineapigs who tested this out so you all didn't have to go through the tedious problem finding were:
Ral Partha
Skullcandy girl
As I said, I'm expecting some issues with this one so any problems gimme a shout,
This file is not to be distributed and/or hosted on another site without prior permission. This was modeled for the and is for that site
only unless otherwise stated.
Do not attempt to extract these files, there released in the locked .pep format and not .obj for a reason.
All the designs are property of Microsoft and Bungie. All the models in this file are modifications to, or direct copys of, the game models from Bungie's 'Halo 3' and fall under the relevant copyrights.
I am not part of, and do not in anyway represent Bungie or Microsoft.
Respect Bungie's m/f athoriteh!