Halo 3 - Custom High Detail Models

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mc hammer time said:
nevermind, it turned out like crap...i need to work on unfolding

Lol. Yeah I tried to unfold it myself too... Didn't work out so well. :rolleyes I am patiently waiting for a master unfolder to post their file. :D
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squirl, you are my hero, i was just getting ready to start a torso armor and i heard that you were making a new one so i waited. IT IS BEAUTIFUL! i unfolded it, though i havnt unfolded many things yet, i think i did a pretty good job of doing it. if anyone wants it and if its cool with you squirl, ill post it on here?
Da G33k said:
Lol. Yeah I tried to unfold it myself too... Didn't work out so well. :rolleyes I am patiently waiting for a master unfolder to post their file. :D
*cough*Ral Partha*cough*cough*Belakor*cough*

Oh dear, I seem to have something in my throat.
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bald cactus v2 said:
Care to post your unfold?

Shure! Its 29 pages. Scaled to 40cm high. With no support struts. Il get it up tomorrow. Im still working on the unfold i cpuld cut about 4 pages :)
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yay its unfolded! thanks L3X and FS! im going to start this as soon as i finish building the right shoulder.
mc hammer time said:
ugggggh...finally done... how do i repost a file?

nevermind, it turned out like crap...i need to work on unfolding

excuse the ignorance, but what is a master unfolder?
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thanks dudes, glad you like it.
bdw, if you have any unfolds or the like feel free to post it in here or even if your workin on the model(s)

rachciav said:
[...]remember FS sleep is for the weak!
yea, your right, and on that note:


its a set of med-def forearms which have all the main details but isnt too high on polys.

there's also two refrence/mesurement strips lined up with em. along with that its got a texture that, like the new torso, you can apply to colour them differently to help with unfolding n what not.

have fun.

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Of course you release an easier forearm after I nearly drove myself insane trying to get the other one right. :p

Thanks though, I was hoping someone might re-tackle that one. :D

Btw, I see you adapted my idea a little for the Chest. Good idea.
Unfolding, as we refer to it, is cutting up the pep files so that they'd be easier to assemble, then organising and sorting the split peices so that they use the least amount of card and, sometimes, if the unfolder is realy good they organis it on the pages so that each model/part are organised and layed out individualy, and if your realy lucky they even sort the tabs so that it's easier to assemble. but onyl if your lucky.

it's quite tedious and I'de definatly consider the unfolding part even more difficult and brain-draining then the actual modeling end of things.

EDIT: @mag: hell yea, i was holdin off till you were done. XD im prity sure i got a few other people with that too. XD bugger!!! i knew i forgot to add something! i totaly forgot to add your liner idea! i kinda got it a bit with the supports but i didnt want to do it woth em so i could add it in. :(
flying_squirl said:
EDIT: @mag: hell yea, i was holdin off till you were done. XD im prity sure i got a few other people with that too. XD bugger!!! i knew i forgot to add something! i totaly forgot to add your liner idea! i kinda got it a bit with the supports but i didnt want to do it woth em so i could add it in. :(
It's ok, you can add it if you want. No big deal. Did one of your testers try it out yet?
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