Halo 5 Spartan Helljumper (Buck) - Pepakura/Paper Build

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Oh I completely agree and that is what I intend on doing :D I've already looked and found several very promising grenade pouches for this specific purpose. I just left those in there so others can see where they are placed, and also, if someone really wanted to get creative, they could be used as templates for making their own pouches if they wanted too.

Either way, anyone who wants the files will have the option to explore whatever they want :D
Hello all! Has been a while. Gotta love life and all that. So I have completed the layout on the thigh pieces and I'm working on getting all the exports and such uploaded to my mediafire account. Also working on getting my profile updated so I can just have everyone look there. Figure its easier :D

Anywho, down to tax of brass...

All that remains is to setup an unfold of the underarmor and I can go to prototyping full time! :D

I know good Unfolds when I see one! Excellent work Gralt! Although there is one more thing I would do for your unfolds. Set the threshold down to 165, that way it removes unnecessary fold lines. By removing them, saves more time on assembling the paper models.:)
Might use your files to make a Halloween costume (never too old for trick or treating). You will probably have the rest done by then, and it will make a sick build. As everyone else said, really good work on the unfolds. Have never seen such good quality (but maybe I just haven't looked through archives enough).

Good luck on unfolding the rest!
Thanks guys, that means a lot! SavedbyGraceG12, i'll try that when I go to start working on them, thanks!

I keep having to remember, baby steps. So while I have this prepped and ready to lay out, I need to get the armor built first before worrying about these details. So I'm going to shelve them for later. However I still wanted to show that I have the file for those that want it. I have provided a copy to Vivalablake89 as his build is all foam, and the armor itself is almost complete so he is much closer to these pieces than I will be for a while.

Without further adieu I present the undersuit pieces :D (Not unfolded, but cleaned up)

Also, a HUGE shoutout to Chernobyl, for without this genius at model extraction, none of this would have been possible!
I really need to finish all My other stuff laying on my work desk, But I want to start working on this immediately :cry:!!!! Ahh decisions decisions... All I know is from just opening the file this morning it looks Amazing and cant wait to start unfolding and getting to work on this ;)(y). Thanks again brother for all the amazing work!
Hello all! Sorry its been a bit since my last update. I finally and I mean FINALLY, finished all of my layouts....in 8 1/2 x 11. Hahaha

I purchased a Cameo 3 craft printer to help and did some test prints to make sure that scales match the pepakura output and yay they do! However after said testing decided I should take full advantage of its 12x12 cutting area instead of just letter size. Sadly I couldn't find the 12x12 110lb cardstock locally so I had to order it online. Will be at least a week before it arrives. In the meantime, I get to go back thru all my existing layouts and change them to 12x12. Cest la vie!

Anyway, as soon as I start getting things cranked out I will start providing progress pics. Until then, cheers!
Whoof...life sometimes. Anyway, I'm not dead and I finally have some progress! After finally receiving my shipment of 12x12 and doing some testing to get alignment issues out of the way, I have finally started printing out my cuts! Now that the settings are correct and I can score fold lines and have this thing cut for me, it was WELL WORTH the $300!
Cameo 1.jpg Cameo 2.jpg

Once all of my pages are printed out assembly should proceed rather quickly considering that I no longer have to use a ruler and razor blade to score the folds by hand! I can't want to get started!

Sometimes I hate how busy my life is and just want to tell people to leave me alone so I can focus on hobbies. (steps off soapbox)
Anyway, I finally have some progress to show and how some of my shortcuts will work.
Chestplate 1.jpg Chestplate 2.jpg
This is the front part of the chestplate. To give the build a bit more strength while it is in paper, I backed it with some dense cardboard. Should make handling it a lot easier.

Collar 1.jpg Collar 2.jpg
Next is the lower collar piece. As I am lazy and look for shortcuts I backed this one with cardboard to give me the depth. As this will all be gone over with fiberglass and resin, it doesn't really matter.
But this makes it so I don't have to build and fold the very small in-between piece. :D

Anyway, I hope to finally start building the chest and i'll be sure to post more pics here.

Interesting. I don't think I've ever seen someone back pep work with cardboard. It does seem like a good idea structurally, though, wherever you can do it.
Thanks! And for this chest it has made a huge difference in being able to handle it while I build it. I'm attaching the next piece and i'll post a pic soon to demo how else using cardboard here and there can save time and strain.
Wow this has got me very interested. Can't wait to see the finished product of this with the cardboard components. I don't think I've ever seen this method used before, for some reason sounds like it will make pepakura a lot less strenuous then it usually is.

I'm so glad I finally finished the bulk of me and my wife's Halo reach stuff, which means I can get back to Buck as well. And you have given me the perfect amount of inspiration to get back in the saddle lol
Ok so here is what I wanted to show as far as proof of concept for using cardboard for some pieces. The last image shows the piece as it is on the model. By tracing it over and then a little patience, can make it 3d and a lot more sturdy than building the in between piece with all of the micro folds and flaps.
Chestplate 3.jpg Chestplate 4.jpg Chestplate 5.jpg

What do you all think? :)
man, this is a lifesaver...the only concern of mine is the way the chin-guard cardboard piece doesn't line up properly with the rest of the pep, but it's too early to tell.
excellent pep work, Gralt!
Yeah as far as alignment, once it is completely glued it, it should sit flush. On the pepakura, the cardboard piece actually goes thru the plate behind it by just a smidge. The chin card itself is only secured by center flap so far to get an idea of how it will work. That and I haven't finished building its back yet either.

And thank you very much! mblackwell1002 :D
Progress!! Finally lol.
Chestplate 7.jpg Chestplate 8.jpg Chestplate 9.jpg

So in my eagerness to get started I kind of piled all the pieces together. Yeah that was a mistake. Progress was so freaking slow as I spent more time searching for parts than building. So I broke down and re-org'd all the pieces so I could find them and gee, I got something done!

Anywhooo back to work!
a tiny bit of work is still a bit of work! sheesh, gralt, you're slower than me! ;)
lol, nice pep.
Ok so finally finished up the color piece. The pics are kind of hard to make out, but as you can see using the cardboard allows you to build without the small in between piece! Yay! I will say this, the more dense cardboard you can find the better. What I used was the most dense I could find, but the more the better as it will shape easier.Collar 3.jpg Collar 4.jpg Collar 5.jpg
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