Hey all! Sorry for lack of responses/posts of late. Work+life crazy+more 3d work = Slow progress lol. I found that some pieces needed more cleanup, and they never made it in to Pep. Soooooo I'm having to clean them up, and lay them out. Ahh, the tedium continues!
Kat, as for the program I use is Metasequoia 4. It is what I learned on, because as I got in to 3d modeling for Pepakura it was stated that files from this app have the most compatibility with Pepakura Designer. I have been quite happy with it and it has a free version that does most everything you need for basic 3d file editing and can read most formats out there. Standard paid version is only 60, and you can pay a lot more if you want the Advanced license, but the Standard does everything I need.
Also guys, thank you all for the great words of encouragement! It is awesome to have a forum like this to be able to share this adventure on!
Anyway, I am nearly finished with the Pepakura layouts of my other pieces and can get back to building soon. My 3d printer went pear shaped, and I had to RMA it. Hoping to get it back soon, but not incredibly optimistic. Even if I do get it back I am likely to replace it. As always I'll be sure to post it here.
Cheers and keep building!