Halo 5 Spartan Helljumper (Buck) - Pepakura/Paper Build

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Aaand the next piece hot off the printer.
Dorsal Cross Bar 1.jpg Dorsal Cross Bar 2.jpg
Ok so lack of updates = me being lazy and not posting progress lol. But I have made some! Sadly my 3d printer is on the fritz again, this time with a bad Y-Axis motor >.< I would recommend STAYING AWAY from the Micro3d series printers. That is what I have and already have had to replace both motors and haven't even gotten 10 successful print projects out of it. It is under warranty, but I'm not optimistic that replacing this motor will let it work for very long.

Anyway, on to progress.
Upper Dorsal Plate 3d Printout.jpg Lower Interior Dorsal Plate 1.jpg Lower Interior Dorsal Plate 2.jpg Lower Interior Dorsal Plate 3.jpg Lower Interior Dorsal Plate 4.jpg Lower Interior Dorsal Plate 5.jpg Lower Interior Dorsal Plate 6.jpg

The pics may be hard to see, but the first one was the last good print I got off my 3d printer. The next are paper/foam because I'm lazy and hate building sunk sections in paper. I used the same method on part of the front chest plate a while back and have been quite happy with the results.

Only a few more major pieces for the chest remain, then I can FINALLY move on to the shoulders!
I'm very intrigued by your use of foam, paper and 3d print. Just thought I'd chime in and say hi. I've been watching you for awhile now. Good luck with the printer issue. Your chest is coming along great!
Thanks PerniciousDuke! Yeah I'm having to RMA it for repair or possibly replacement. We'll see. One way or another I may just bite the bullet and invest in one of these bad boys; Prusa I3. Considering how many clones exist of this original model, and most of my research pointing to this being the gold standard, I figure it would be a safe bet.

Anyway, on to more progress!

Shoulder 1.jpg Shoulder 2.jpg Shoulder 3.jpg Shoulder 4.jpg Shoulders Complete.jpg

Both shoulders are finished and just need details. Most of them will be 3d printed. Right now I'm trying to focus on the primary builds and worry about details later. Plus I need to go back to the model and separate out the hinge so I can design a real hinge for these so that the lower part will actually have some range of motion to offer.

Right now I'm working on updating the layout for my forearm pieces as the last size was too small.

Wow this is all super amazing XD I feel that I'm only scratching the surface to making my Kat cosplay XD Gralt What 3d program did you use to design all this?
Hey all! Sorry for lack of responses/posts of late. Work+life crazy+more 3d work = Slow progress lol. I found that some pieces needed more cleanup, and they never made it in to Pep. Soooooo I'm having to clean them up, and lay them out. Ahh, the tedium continues!

Kat, as for the program I use is Metasequoia 4. It is what I learned on, because as I got in to 3d modeling for Pepakura it was stated that files from this app have the most compatibility with Pepakura Designer. I have been quite happy with it and it has a free version that does most everything you need for basic 3d file editing and can read most formats out there. Standard paid version is only 60, and you can pay a lot more if you want the Advanced license, but the Standard does everything I need. :)

Also guys, thank you all for the great words of encouragement! It is awesome to have a forum like this to be able to share this adventure on!

Anyway, I am nearly finished with the Pepakura layouts of my other pieces and can get back to building soon. My 3d printer went pear shaped, and I had to RMA it. Hoping to get it back soon, but not incredibly optimistic. Even if I do get it back I am likely to replace it. As always I'll be sure to post it here.

Cheers and keep building! :D

Well M3d (aka PrintM3D) decided to just send me another printer. I'm thinking mine was a lemon considering that I had replaced 2/3 axis motors and had constant calibration issues. I just hope this one holds up. If not then I get to knuckle down and buy a real Prusa 3d printer. Anyway, on to the progress!

Dorsal Center Cap
Dorsal Center Cap 1.jpg Dorsal Center Cap 2.jpg Dorsal Center Cap 3.jpg

It fits perfectly! Now for a little dremmel work on the back end to cut out a small piece and it will be as it is on the actual model.
Dorsal Center Cap 4.jpg Dorsal Center Cap 5.jpg
And more printed out parts! I went back and redesigned the latches for a bit more authenticity and detail. A little dremmel work and they will look really good!
Latches 1.jpg Latches 2.jpg

Should have the shins laid out soon! :)
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And finally done with the Shin layout, and have the first page cut. Man alive I love this cameo printer!
For the two pouches I'm going to grab a couple of grenade pouches. I found some at a local army/camping store that will be perfect when the time comes.
Cutout 1st page.jpg Pep Build.jpg
Hellooooo in HaloLand! Been a while since i've been able to post actual progress so here it is!
Right Shin 1.jpg
First part of the Right Shin armor. I usually do left first, out of habit, but the right shin had the pouches, so started there because its easier to mirror and just leave them off.

Anyway, more to come!
Got a little more done tonight. Sadly it may be too big >.< But i'm holding full judgement until the main piece is finished.
Right Shin 2.jpg
True, and sadly my suspicion was correct it is way too big. So much for having my scaling correct. However it would be a great fit for Andrea the Giant, and at least gives me a frame of reference for re-scaling. So back to the Pepakura board!
I absolutely love these files, and I have to say it's awesome seeing your progression on them like this.

And now you have me doubting whether to pick my halo 4 ODST build back up or to wait it out and nab these files when you have them ready.
I absolutely love these files, and I have to say it's awesome seeing your progression on them like this.

And now you have me doubting whether to pick my halo 4 ODST build back up or to wait it out and nab these files when you have them ready.

You are more than welcome to the files I have. They are a bit customized to my needs because some parts i build from Pep, others I'm 3d printing after some detailing and redesigning.

Once i'm done with the proptotype builds I will definitely update them all in my cloud account and share the links! :D


So i sized it down, built at least the upper cuff and forward plate of the shin aand it was too small. -.- Sometimes pepakura is so infuriating when it comes to sizing.

Anyway, I'll post some photos once i start the next proto build.

You made have to just the paper and printer setting in the pepakura, because and it will rescale it if the object are big on the paper. I did have the same problem with the scaling. Just trying to help out;)
Hey all! Sorry for the absence, life and all that. But that absence hasn't been without progress so get ready for LOTS OF PICTURES! One more part to complete and i'll post those pics as well, then a final one with all pieces mocked up, save the side pouches.

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